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will, Besides, a physician is immune. One of the perquisites of the profession.”

“It’s as a physician that I want to talk to you.” His face changed ; became grave and solicitous, “What’s wrong?” “T want to know about Mona.”

“Has she told you anything?” V'es,??

“I’ve wanted her to for some time.” “Then it’s true.” “Yes: it’s true.”

“How long, Bobs?” “Uncertain. It isn’t progressing as fast as I feared. But—not very long, Dee.” He spoke with effort. “A year?” “Perhaps. If she’s careful.” “But she isn’t careful. You know Mona.” “No. She isn’t. It isn’t in her to be.” “Ought she to be running off on trips?” “Of course not. But I can’t stop her.” A note of weariness, of defeat had come into his brusque voice. “Poor old Bobs!” The girl went to him and set a hand on his shoulder, brushing his cheek with her fingers as she did so. There was nothing repellent to her sensitive ness in contact with him, nothing of the revulsion which she experienced under the eager touch of men, tentatively love-making. Bobs wasn’t like a man to her so much as like a faithful and noble-spirited dog. “It’s hard on you, isn’t it?” she murmured.

His eyes pathy. “Tt isn’t “T won’t is it quite

thanked her for her understanding and symeasy,” he confessed. hurt you any more. hopeless?”

But just one question;