Page:Fletcher--Where Highways Cross.djvu/200

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Where Highways Cross

"Aye, I think shoo will," said Mally. "I tuke a deeäl o' notice on her when shoo wor here, and shoo seemed a nice, tidy, weel-behaäved young woman."

"I wonder if shoo thinks a deeäl on 'im."

"That's more nor I can say," answered Mally. "Tha sees, lass, shoo'd been wed afore. Aye, and seemed to think a deeäll aboot her first husband! Theer wor one neet, at efter shoo'd promised to wed t' maister 'at I see'd her wi' her first husband's pictur—eh, dear, poor thing, shoo wor crying over it like a babby. Shoo kissed it, and hugged it to her, and then she'd luke at it for iver soa long, and kiss it ageeän. Soöa tho sees, mi lass, hahiver much shoo may think o' t' new, shoo hasn't forgat t' owd 'un; noäa, and niver will, and if he wor to rise throo' t' grave shoo'd göa to him, chuse what! Theer niver wor a woman i' this world 'at forgat her first love."

Hepworth walked quietly away. He turned out of the garden by a door that led into the