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Page:Flora Australiensis Volume 5.djvu/329

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Flowers in dense cone-like spikes or beads with imbricate scale-like bracts, with few or many outer empty bracts firming an involucre. Anthers free.

Cone-scales firmly adhering to the rhachis and opening for the emission of the more or less flattened nuts.

1. Petrophila

Cone-scales either very deciduous or remaining closely imbricate after flowering till they fall off with the nuts which are not flattened.

2. Isopogon

Flowers solitary within an involucre of 4 to 8 bracts

3. Adenanthos

Flowers in small heads with very small bracts. Anthers cohering round the style and the adjoining cells of two different anthers applied face to face in the bud forming a single cell.

4. Stirlingia

Tribe 2. Conospermeæ.Anthers: one with 2 perfect cells, two with 1 perfect and 1 abortive cell, the fourth abortive, the perfect cells broad, concave, erect, without any connective, the adjoining ones of distinct anthers applied face to face in the bud forming a single cell; all on very short thick filaments at the base of the laminæ or at the summit of the tube of the perianth. Ovule 1. Fruit a dry nut.

Upper anthers abortive, replaced by a short membrane connecting the filament with the disk-shaped stigma. Nut ovoid or oblong. Leaves mostly divided.

5. Synaphea

Lower anther abortive. Stigma raised above the stamens on the beak-like end of the style. Nut turbinate, flat and comose on the top. Leaves entire.

6. Conospermum

Tribe 3. Franklandieæ.Anthers all perfect with parallel adnate cells enclosed in and adnate to the slender perianth-tube. Ovule 1. Fruit a dry nut with a poppus-like cone.

Single genus

7. Franklandia

Tribe 4. Persoonieæ.Anthers all perfect with parallel cells adnate to the connective, the stamens inserted at or below the middle of the perianth-segments. Ovules 2 or sometimes 1. Fruit a drupe or rarely a dry nut or membranous.

Leaves divided or lobed. Flowers in interrupted spikes or racemes. Ovules 2. Fruit dry, indehiscent.

Filaments inserted on the perianth, converging end united in a ring round the style. Fruit a nut.

8. Symphyonema

Stamens free at the base of the perianth-segments. Fruit membranous, flattened

9. Bellendena

Leaves entire. Flowers in interruptsd axillary spikes. Ovule 1. Fruit a 3-winged nut.

10. Agastachys

Leaves toothed. Flowers in interrupted axillary spikes. Ovule 1. Fruit a drupe.

11. Cenarrhenes

Leaves entire. Flowers axillary or rarely forming a terminal or infra-terminal raceme by the abortion of the floral leaves. Ovules 2 or 1. Fruit a drupe.

12. Persoonia

Suborder 2. Folliculares.Fruit dehiscent, follicular or 2-valved, rarely (in the first 2 genera), drupaceous and indehiscent. Flowers usually in pairs, with a single bract to each pair, rarely (in Carnarvonia, Lambertia and Stenocarpus, the inflorescence anomalous.

Tribe 5. Grevilleeæ.Ovules 2 or 4, collateral. Seeds without any intervening substances or separated by a thin lamina or meaty substance. Flowers in racemes or clusters, with deciduous or abortive bract; or with an involucre of imbricate bracts.

Ovules 2. Perianth regular or nearly so, small (under ½ in. except in one species), the anthers on short filaments attached below the laminæ. Style cylindrical or clavate at the end.

Flowers pedicellate, in pairs, in racemes. Fruit with a thick woody indehiscent pericarp or putamen.

Leaves alternate. Ovules ascending.

13. Helicea