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Page:Flora Australiensis Volume 5.djvu/556

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Leaves 1½ to 2½ in. long. Spikes long, the perianths and styles alternating in single rows.

32. B. sceptrum.

Leaves 6 in. to 1 ft. long.

33. B. Menziesii.

Leaves under ½ in. broad, regularly serrate, the veins inconspicuous underneath.

Leaves 2 to 4 in. long. Spikes globular. Style-end small and slender.

34. B. lævigata.

Leaves 4 to 8 in. long. Spikes oblong. Style-end long, with a thickened base.

35. B. Hookeriana.

Leaves deeply and regularly serrate or lobed, the transverse veins connivent in each lobe. Style-end stipitate above its thickened base.

Leaf-lobes short and broad, not reaching halfway to the midrib.

36. B. prionotes.

Leaf-lobes triangular, acuminate, reaching more than halfway to the midrib.

37. B. Victoriæ.

Leaves pinnate with contiguous broad acute segments. Style hairy.

Spikes oblong. Perianth-limb obtuse. Leaves often 1 ft. long.

38. B. speciosa.

Spikes globular. Perianth-limb acute. Leaves under 6 in. long.

39. B. Baxteri.

Perianth glabrous.

Leaves 1 to 1½ in. long, oblong, truncate, sinuate-toothed. Spikes oblong cylindrical.

40. B. marcescens.

Leaves 1½ to 3 in. long, obovate-oblong, toothed. Spikes large, nearly globular.

41. B. Lemanniana.

Leaves 3 to 6 in. long, narrow, sinuate and prickly-toothed. Spikes nearly globular. Perianth-limb half as long as the tube

42. B. Caleyi.

Leaves 2 to 4 in. long, regularly serrate. Perianth-limb not half as long as the tube.

43. B. Lindleyana.

Leaves 6 in. to 1 ft. long or more, with numerous regular triangular lobes or segments.

Leaves lobed only.

44. B. elegans.

Leaves divided to the midrib.

45. B. Candolleana.
Sect. 5. Isostylis.Spikes reduced to depressed-globular heads. Perianths straight, the limb opening as soon as the tube and style straight as in most Dryandræ, but the outer bracts few as in Banksiæ

Leaves 1 to 3 in. long, obovate-oblong or cuneate, undulate and prickly-toothed.

46. B. ilicifolia.

B. Huegelii, Br., B. longifolia, Desf., B. mimosoides, Don, B. rubra, Don, and B. virens, Don, are names only of plants which, if true Banksiæ, belong probably to some of the species above enumerated.

Sect. 1. Oncostylis.—Leaves linear or rarely lanceolate, with revolute margins or nearly flat but very white underneath, entire denticulate or pinnate with small numerous regular segments. Style remaining hooked after the perianth-limb has opened, the stigmatic end very small and not distinctly furrowed.

1. B. pulchella, R. Br. in Trans. Linn. Soc. x. 202, Prod. 391. A shrub with villous or tomentose branches. Leaves crowded, erect or incurved, linear, sometimes very narrow or almost terete, obtuse or almost acute, the margins entire and closely revolute, narrowly grooved or more broadly channelled underneath, the midrib not prominent, ¼