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Page:Flora Australiensis Volume 5.djvu/572

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matic end narrow, acute, furrowed. Capsules prominent, very thick and woody, 1½ in. broad.—Meissn. in Pl. Preiss. i. 587, and in DC. Prod. xiv. 464.

W. Australia. King George's Sound or adjoining districts, Baxter, Drummond, 4th coll., n. 306, Preiss, n. 485; Harvey; flat sandy plains from Stirling Range to Salt river, Maxwell.

40. B. marcescens, R. Br. in. Trans. Linn. Soc. x. 208, Prod. 395. A shrub of 5 or 6 ft. the branches tomentose. Leaves petiolate, oblong, truncate, serrate, almost obtuse at the base, 1 to 1½ in. long and about ½ in. broad, flat, minutely tomentose underneath with faint transverse veins and reticulations. Spikes oblong or cylindrical, dense, 3 to 10 in. long, like those of B. media. Bracts tomentose at the end. Perianth purple, glabrous, scarcely 1 in. long, the limb narrow, obtuse, about 2 lines long. Style erect, about as long as the perianth, the stigmatic end short and sulcate. Capsules usually buried in the persistent remains of the flowers, rather thick, rounded, about ¾ in. broad, quite glabrous and shining but chagrined with raised dots or tubercles.—Meissn. in Pl. Preiss. i. 586, and in DC. Prod. xiv. 461; Sw. Fl. Austral. t. 14; Bot. Mag. t. 2803; B. præmorsa, Andr. Bot. Rep. t. 258; B. asplenifolia, Knight, Prot. 113, not of Salisb. (R. Br.).

W. Australia. King George's Sound, Menzies, Baxter, Drummond, 3rd coll. n. 285, Preiss, n. 484.

Bonpland's figure and description of B. marcescens, Jard. Malm. 116, t. 48, appear to me to represent rather one of the garden varieties of B. marginata. I have not seen Preiss's specimens above quoted from Meissner.

41. B. Lemanniana, Meissn. in DC. Prod. xiv. 462. Branches tomentose or shortly villous. Leaves petiolate, obovate-oblong, less truncate than in most species, almost regularly toothed, cuneate at the base, 1½ to 3 in. long, flat, loosely tomentose underneath when young, the transverse veins and reticulations visible but not prominent. Spikes globular or shortly oblong, very thick, 3 to 4 in. long. Perianths glabrous, above 1 in. long, the narrow obtuse limb about 4 lines. Style slightly curved, erect, the stigmatic end long narrow and furrowed.

W. Australia. Drummond, 4th coll. n. 302.

42. B. Caleyi, R. Br. Prot. Nov. 35. A low shrub, the branches tomentose. Leaves oblong-lanceolate or narrow-cuneate, usually truncate, sinuate and broadly prickly-toothed or almost pinnatifid, tapering into a short petiole, 3 to 6 in. long, flat or undulate, green on both sides, finely and not prominently transversely veined and reticulate underneath. Spikes ovoid-oblong or globular, 2 to 3 in. long. Bracts obtuse, densely villous. Perianths nearly 1 in. long, quite glabrous or with a minute and scanty pubescence on the tube, the limb very angular and obtuse, about 4 lines long. Style incurved, erect, the stigmatic end long narrow and furrowed, with a projecting rim at the base. Meissn. in DC. Prod. xiv. 462.

W. Australia. Baxter, Drummond 4th coll. n. 301.