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Page:Flora Australiensis Volume 5.djvu/574

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with a few long spreading hairs. Leaves shortly petiolate, oval-oblong obovate or cuneate, truncate, undulate and irregularly prickly-toothed or lobed, 1 to 3 in. long, green on both sides, veined and reticulate underneath, but the veins rarely prominent. Spikes terminal, depressed-globular, sessile amongst the floral leaves, the rhachis with the closely packed villous bracts about ½ in. diameter. Perianths erect, straight, the tube shortly silky-pubescent, 1 to 1¼ in. long, the limb obtuse, glabrous or nearly so, not 2 lines long. Style not longer than the perianth, erect, straight, glabrous, with a small scarcely distinct stigmatic end. Fruiting cone very small. Capsules usually 1 or 2 only, very prominent, obliquely ovoid, thick, tomentose, the projecting portion ½ to ¾ in. long, with a scarcely prominent lateral beak or scar indicating the base of the style.—Meissn. in Pl. Preiss. i. 589 and in DC. Prod. xiv. 466; B. aquifolium, Lindl. Swan Riv. App. 34.

W. Australia. King George Sound and the neighbouring districts, R. Brown, Baxter, A. Cunningham, Oldfield, F. Mueller; Swan river, Drummond, 1st coll., Preiss, n. 482.

The specimens at first sight closely resemble those of some forms of Dryandra floribunda, to which I find them referred in several herbaria, as also by F. Mueller, Fragm. vi. 92, and vii. 50.

Var. integrifolia. Leaves obovate, entire or scarcely toothed.—Swan river, Preiss, n. 482 (some specimens).


(Hemiclidia, Br., Josephia, Salisb.)

Flowers hermaphrodite. Perianth regular or nearly so, usually straight, the tube slender, the limb oblong or linear, the laminæ separating as the tube opens, or rarely remaining long coherent as in Banksia, and the limb thus sometimes reflexed before opening, the tube separating into the four claws to below the middle, the base of the tube remaining entire. Anthers narrow, sessile in the concave laminæ, the connective thick, usually very shortly produced beyond the cells. Hypogynous scales 4, very narrow, thin and membranous (rarely deficient?), usually accompanied by a few long hairs. Ovary very small and sessile; style straight and scarcely exceeding the perianth, or longer, curved and protruding from a slit in the perianth-tube until the end is set free by the separation of the laminæ and then straightened; the stigmatic end, on a level with the anthers, of a different texture, smooth or striate and furrowed, continuous with the style or thickened at the base into a slightly prominent rim, the real stigma small and terminal; ovules 2 (usually or always ?), collaterally attached at or near the top. Fruit a compressed capsule, opening at the dilated end (or outer margin) in two coriaceous or rarely almost woody broad valves. Seeds 2, or 1 by abortion, compressed, with a terminal membranous wing broad and rounded like the valves, the seeds either separated by a plate simple between the nuclei, double between the valves, as in Banksia, but not so thick, or the outer integuments of the 2