Involucral bracts numerous, with long plumos points. Perianth about ¾ in. long. |
26. D. sclerophylla. |
Involucral bracts few besides the leafy ones. Perianth nearly 1 in. long. |
27. D. pulchella. |
Leaves pinnatifid with pungent-pointed lobes. | |
Involucral bracts with long plumose-hairy points, or some of them leafy. | |
Leaf-lobes triangular, approximate, white underneath. |
28. D. plumosa. |
Leaf-lobes linear or lanceolate, usually distant. |
29. D. seneciifolia. |
Involucral bracts numerous, narrow, tomentose or villous, but not plumose. | |
Involucre narrow, 1 in. long. Leaf-lobes nearly flat. | |
Leaf-lobes about as long as the broad rhachis. |
30. D. vestita. |
Leaf-lobes much longer than the narrow rhachis. |
31. D. cirsioides. |
Involucre campanulate or broadly ovoid, under ¾ in. long. Leaf-lobes distant, with revolute margins, white underneath. | |
Perianth-limb glabrous. Involucre broad, ½ in. diameter | |
Bracts with acute, usually recurved tips. Floral leaves appressed. |
32. D. Hewardiana. |
Bracts obtuse, appressed. Floral leaves spreading. |
33. D. patens. |
Perianth-limb hairy. Involucre ovoid, ¾ in. long, the bracts appressed or inflexed. |
34. D. conferta. |
Involucral bracts hirsute, the inner bracts above 1 in. long, the upper half reflexed and deciduous. |
35. D. horrida. |
Involucres glabrous or nearly so, the bracts rather broad and closely appressed. | |
Leaves 2 or 3 in. long, with linear or lanceolate lobes not distant. Involucre ¾ in. long. |
36. D. serratuloides. |
Leaves 6 in. to above 1 ft. long, very narrow, with small distant lobes. Involucre above 1 in. long. |
37. D. comosa. |
Series 7. Gymnocephalæ.—Flower-heads lateral, on very short scaly peduncles without floral leaves outside the involucre. Involucral bracts very numerous and narrow, a few of them leaf-like in one species. | |
Involucral bracts all very narrow, acute and dry. | |
Leaves (2 to 4 in.) pinnate with numerous very small segments with revolute margins and white underneath. Involucre 1 in. long. |
38. D. Shuttleworthiana. |
Leaves (3 to 5 in.) narrow and entire. Involucre 2 in. long. |
39. D. speciosa. |
Several of the outer involucral bracts leaf-like. Leaves under 2 in. long, linear cuneate, mostly 3-toothed. |
40. D. tridentata. |
Sect 2. Aphragmia.—Outer integuments of the two seeds not connate or readily separable from each other (seeds without any or with a double plate between them). Involucre large, with numerous broad bracts. | |
Involucres broad, lateral below the leafy branches, the bracts black, glabrous or minutely ciliate. | |
Leaves very narrow, entire, or with few or very numerous short not pungent-pointed segments. |
41. D. tenuifolia. |
Leaves under ½ in. broad, pinnatifid with distant triangular pungent-pointed lobes. |
42. D. proteoides. |
Leaves above ½ in. broad, pinnatifid with broadly triangular rigid acute lobes. |
43. D. runcinata. |
Involucres ovoid, terminating very short ascending stems, with a few leaves below them. | |
Leaf-lobes broadly triangular, rigid, acute. |
43. D. runcinata. |