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Page:Flora Australiensis Volume 5.djvu/577

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Involucral bracts numerous, with long plumos points. Perianth about ¾ in. long.

26. D. sclerophylla.

Involucral bracts few besides the leafy ones. Perianth nearly 1 in. long.

27. D. pulchella.

Leaves pinnatifid with pungent-pointed lobes.

Involucral bracts with long plumose-hairy points, or some of them leafy.

Leaf-lobes triangular, approximate, white underneath.

28. D. plumosa.

Leaf-lobes linear or lanceolate, usually distant.

29. D. seneciifolia.

Involucral bracts numerous, narrow, tomentose or villous, but not plumose.

Involucre narrow, 1 in. long. Leaf-lobes nearly flat.

Leaf-lobes about as long as the broad rhachis.

30. D. vestita.

Leaf-lobes much longer than the narrow rhachis.

31. D. cirsioides.

Involucre campanulate or broadly ovoid, under ¾ in. long. Leaf-lobes distant, with revolute margins, white underneath.

Perianth-limb glabrous. Involucre broad, ½ in. diameter

Bracts with acute, usually recurved tips. Floral leaves appressed.

32. D. Hewardiana.

Bracts obtuse, appressed. Floral leaves spreading.

33. D. patens.

Perianth-limb hairy. Involucre ovoid, ¾ in. long, the bracts appressed or inflexed.

34. D. conferta.

Involucral bracts hirsute, the inner bracts above 1 in. long, the upper half reflexed and deciduous.

35. D. horrida.

Involucres glabrous or nearly so, the bracts rather broad and closely appressed.

Leaves 2 or 3 in. long, with linear or lanceolate lobes not distant. Involucre ¾ in. long.

36. D. serratuloides.

Leaves 6 in. to above 1 ft. long, very narrow, with small distant lobes. Involucre above 1 in. long.

37. D. comosa.
Series 7. Gymnocephalæ.Flower-heads lateral, on very short scaly peduncles without floral leaves outside the involucre. Involucral bracts very numerous and narrow, a few of them leaf-like in one species.

Involucral bracts all very narrow, acute and dry.

Leaves (2 to 4 in.) pinnate with numerous very small segments with revolute margins and white underneath. Involucre 1 in. long.

38. D. Shuttleworthiana.

Leaves (3 to 5 in.) narrow and entire. Involucre 2 in. long.

39. D. speciosa.

Several of the outer involucral bracts leaf-like. Leaves under 2 in. long, linear cuneate, mostly 3-toothed.

40. D. tridentata.
Sect 2. Aphragmia.Outer integuments of the two seeds not connate or readily separable from each other (seeds without any or with a double plate between them). Involucre large, with numerous broad bracts.

Involucres broad, lateral below the leafy branches, the bracts black, glabrous or minutely ciliate.

Leaves very narrow, entire, or with few or very numerous short not pungent-pointed segments.

41. D. tenuifolia.

Leaves under ½ in. broad, pinnatifid with distant triangular pungent-pointed lobes.

42. D. proteoides.

Leaves above ½ in. broad, pinnatifid with broadly triangular rigid acute lobes.

43. D. runcinata.

Involucres ovoid, terminating very short ascending stems, with a few leaves below them.

Leaf-lobes broadly triangular, rigid, acute.

43. D. runcinata.