Sentiment. |
Flower. |
Page |
Absence | Wormwood | 229 |
Absence | Zinnia | 232 |
Accommodating Disposition | Valerian | 213 |
Activity | Thyme | 206 |
A declaration of Love | Tulip | 211 |
Afterthought | Starwort | 192 |
Ambition | Laurel, Mountain | 120 |
Amiability | Jasmine, White | 117 |
Ardent Attachment | Larkspur | 118 |
Arrogance | Lobelia | 129 |
Artifice | Clematis | 59 |
Assignation | Pimpernel | 159 |
Asylum. Protection | Juniper | 116 |
Austerity | Thistle | 204 |
Aversion | China or Indian Pink | 56 |
Beauty | Rose | 181 |
Beauty ever new | Rose, Monthly | 185 |
Boaster | Hydranger | 107 |
Bonds of Love | Honeysuckle | 102 |
Bury me amid Nature’s Beauties | Persimon | 158 |
Busybody | Quamoclit | 169 |
Candour | Violet, White | 217 |
Capricious Beauty | Rose, Musk | 183 |
Captivation | Convolvulus, Field | 65 |
Cheerfulness | Chrysanthemum | 58 |
Cheerfulness | Crocus | 67 |
Cheerfulness in Adversity | Gorse | 90 |
Childhood | Sweet William | 198 |
Chivalry | Daffodil | 72 |
Concealed Love | Motherwort | 144 |
Confiding Love | Fuchsia | 86 |
Conjugal Love | Linden Tree | 127 |
Consolation | Snowdrop | 190 |
Consolation of sleep | Poppy | 166 |
Constancy | Bell Flower | 41 |
Coquetry | Lily, Yellow | 124 |
Courage | Poplar, Black | 165 |
Crime | Tamarisk | 201 |
Dandy | Ragged Robin | 170 |
Deceit | Venus’s Fly-trap | 214 |
Deceitful Charms | Thorn Apple | 205 |
Deception | Winter Cherry | 227 |
Delicacy | Blue Bottle | 45 |
Delusive Hope | Narcissus, False | 148 |
Departure | Sweet Pea | 196 |
Desire | Jonquil | 115 |
Desire to Please | Mezereon | 141 |