The king could neither hear nor see
The man's appeal for charity;
But all absorb'd pursu'd his way,
Unheeding what the man might say.
Yet still the beggar humbly pray'd;
Beseeching held his hand for aid,
And much the king did importune.
But still the king with thoughts on high,
Made ever still this same reply:—
"I shall see men within the moon."
At last the poor man in distress,
Seiz'd on the monarch's royal dress,
And gravely said:—
"You'll find men here, men who need bread:
You need not look for them up there;
They're here, around you, ev'rywhere.
This realm God gave you for a boon,
Not one up yonder in the moon."
Once on a time there was a king
Who wish'd his state more flourishing.
In hell he rear'd his awful throne,
(As King of Terrors he is known)
And, as the case did much import,
He call'd together his whole court.
The question was what plague should be
The chief aid to his majesty.
First, from the lowest hell there came