Citizens' Relief Committee
THE Citizen's Relief Committee was organized with the following personnel, the first meeting being held at the Central Fire Station Saturday evening, September 18, the day of the storm:
Chairman, James H. Gilman; assistant chairman, E. S. Blodgett; secretary, S. P. Robineau; and the following departmental heads: Building supplies, M. A. Milam; food control, E. H. Mangels; negro population, A. H. Adams; water, gas and light, Joe H. Gill; municipal utilities and general sanitation, Ernest Cotton ; plumbing sanitation, Alex Orr; hospitals, Mrs. Mamie Terrell; medical service and nurses, Dr. J. W. Snyder; Red Cross, Miss Christiance; food relief stations, C. H. Reeder; relief fund, R. A. Reeder; railroad and steamship transportation, Norman W. Graves; unskilled labor, W. Cecil Watson; gas, oil, fuel, H. O. Shaw; shelter and housing, John MacDonough; burial and mortuary, J. J. Combs, Jr.; American Legion, R.V. Waters; Boy Scouts, John C. Norsk; Chamber of Commerce, Lon Worth Crow; publicity and information, F. L. Weede; home reconstruction, Mr. McGee; inter-departmental organization, S. P. Robineau; Salvation Army, Maj . D. McMillan.
Co-operating with the Citizens' Relief Committee in their several official capacities were James H. Gilman, acting mayor; Frank H. Wharton, city manager; H. Leslie Quigg, chief of police; Henry Chase, sheriff; and Col. V. B. Collins, 124th Infantry, N. G. F., who was in command of the military ordered to Miami by Governor Martin, composed of the following units: Company "A". Hollywood, 58; Company "B" and det., Miami, 69; Company "C", West Palm Beach, 40; Company "D" and det., Sanford, 57; Service Co., St. Augustine, 26; total, 250.
Emergency Relief Fund
An emergency relief fund amounting to $277,580.92 was collected and used for food, clothing, medical supplies, building material and labor. All work of the Citizen's Committee except finance, was absorbed by Red Cross September 30. The committee had become obligated for supplies upon requisition with the presumption that all funds in hand would be required to pay such bills, and the funds remaining in the hands of the committee were retained, no part of this amount being turned over to the Red Cross.