was willing and ready to marry me; but during the month or so that elapsed between each engagement and the day appointed for the wedding, I shrunk so perceptibly (one is obliged, you know, to wash one's face during courtship), that my bride-elect became frightened and cried off. Now, I have seen the Lady Bertha, and I am determined to marry her."
"You? Ha, ha! Excuse me, but—Ha, ha!"
"Yes, I. But you will see that it is essential that as little time as possible should elapse between my introduction to her and our marriage."
"Of course; and you want me to prepare her to receive you, and marry you there and then without delay."
"Exactly; and if you consent, I will give you several gold mines, and as many diamonds as you can carry."
"You will? My dear sir, say no more! 'Revenge! Revenge! Revenge! Timotheus cried,' quoting a popular comic song of the day. But how do you effect the necessary transformation?"
"Here is a ring which gives me the power of assuming human form once more during my existence. I have only to put it on my middle finger, and the transformation is complete."
"I see—but—couldn't you oblige me with a few thalers on account?"
"Um," said the gnome;" it's irregular: but here are two."
"Eight," said the Count, biting them; "I'll do it. Come the day after to-morrow."
"At this time?" said the gnome.