facts presenting the same features and gathered over a wide area. I emphasize at the outset the importance of this local character of beliefs, which are, in another sense, very far from being local, since they are distributed over all Europe.
The portions of the above scheme dealt with in this paper are the following : —
I. Totemic and Quasi-Totemic.
. Descent from the totem animal. I A. Quasi-Totemic superstitions and tales. (a) Stories of Animal Ancestors, &c. i. Animal births. ii. Swan maiden type. iii. Midas type; (a) Sagas; (/3) Local legends, iv. Helpful animals. v. Baby-bringers. (6) Animal Form. i. " Soul-animals." ii. "Witch-animals." iii. Animal transformed man. iv. Animal can assume human form, (r) Animal as Life-Index. (d) Animal Genius. i. Aettar-fylgia. ii. Fylgia. (e) Animal Substitutes in Witchcraft. (/) Werwolves. . The Animal tabooed or sacrosanct. {a) Animals which may not be killed. [b] Animals which may not be eaten, touched, or used. . The animal kept in captivity for magical or other superstitious purposes or fed or otherwise petted. . Burying the dead animal. . Magical powers derived from the animal. IL Animals used in Augury and Magic. IIL Annual Ceremonies. I. Sacrifice. (a) The Hunt.