Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/372

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352 Bibliography .


T/ie Contents of Periodicals exclusively devoted to Folklore are not noted.

American Anthropologist, N.S., ii, 2. H. R. Voth, Oraibi Marriage Customs. D. S. Lamb, Mythical Monsters. B. La/ifer, Preliminary Notes on Explorations among the Amoor Tribes.

Blackwood's Magazine, July, 1900. Edivard A. Irving, Primi- tive Socialists.

Indian Antiquary, May. R. C. Temple, The Thirty-seven Nats (spirits) of the Burmese. June. R. C. Temple, The Folk- lore in the Legends of the Panjab. July. R. C. Temple, The Thirty-seven Nats of the Burmese. August. Sir J. M. Campbell, Notes on the Spirit Basis of Belief and Custom.

L'Annee Sociologique (Troisieme Annee 1898-9). M. Steinmetz, Classification des Types Sociaux et Catalogue des Peuples.

Madras Government Museum Bulletin, iii, 1. Anthropology. F. Faivcett, Notes on Some of the People of Malabar.

Revue de I'Histoire des Religions, xli, 3. E. Doutte, Notes sur rislam Maghribin. A. E. Chaignet, La Philosophie des Oracles, de Porphyre. L. Leger, Svantovit et Saint Vit. A. Reville, Un Essai de philosophie de I'histoire religieuse : ii, La deuxieme partie de I'lntroduction a la Science de la Religion, de C. P. Tiele.