Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/392

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'^Ti Cairene Folklore.

possible ! ' ' Forty-five afarirn ? ' ' Impossible ! ' ' Fifty afariin ? ' ' You can have it.' The Turk said : ' Take (the payment) in your hand,' and gave him afarim, afarim, afari^n (hurra ! hurra ! hurra !) till the fifty were complete. Then the Turk took the cow and went home. The peasant looked at his hand ; there was no money in it. He went to another man, and found he had a cow better than his own. So he asked: 'Will you sell the cow, O shekh?' The other replied : ' I will.' ' For forty-five afarim ? ' ' Impossible ! ' ' For fifty afarim ? ' ' Impossible ! ' ' For fifty-five ? ' ' You can have it.' Thereupon he gave him fifty-five afarim, afarim, afarim, afarim. The peasant took the cow and departed. The other cried : ' Where are you going?' He said : ' To my house.' The other said : 'Where's the money?' He replied: 'I have given you fifty-five afarim. ' Thereupon the other seized him and the cow, saying : ' You must go to the governor of the village.' The governor asked : ' What's the matter, fellow ? ' He answered : ' O Sir, I bought the cow from him, but he won't give it to me.' The governor asked : ' For how much did you buy it ? ' He replied : ' For fifty- five afarim.' The Turk exclaimed : ' You swine ! give the yoi

man his cow and take vour own cow from indoors.' " ^

' Kan fi wahid ragil Tiirki el-hakim beta' el-beled. Ba'den rah es-suq -alashan yishteri wahid(a) baqara. Laqa wahid fellah ; 'ando wahid baqara kuwai}yis(a) ketir ; qallo : " tebiha el-baqara?" qallo : '"shteri;" qallo : "b'erba'in 'afarim?" qallo: "Yiftah Allah!" qallo: " khamsa warba'in?" qallo: " Yiftah Allah ! " qallo: " khamsin 'afarim ? " qallo: " 'llah yekassibak ! " El-Turki qallo: " emsik fi idak." Uba'den el-Turki iddelo 'afarim, 'afarim, 'afarim, lihad khamsin 'afarim. El-Turki misik el-baqara werah el-bet beta'o. Er-ragil, el-fallah, yibuss fi ido, mafish f lus. Rah I'wahid ragil tani ; laqa 'andu wahid baqara ahsan min el-baqara beta'o. Ba'den qallo: " tebih el- baqara, ya shekh?" Qallo: "abiha." Qallo: " khamsa warba'in 'afarim." Qallo: " >-iftah Allah ! " Qallo: " khamsa wekhamsin ? " Qallo: "'llah yekassibak ! " eddilo khamsa wekhamsin 'afarim — 'afarim, 'afarim, 'afarim. Er-ragil misik el-baqara umishi. Qallo : " Rah fen ? " Qallo : " rah fi beti." Qallo: "Fen el-felias?" Qallo: " iddetak khamsa wekhamsin 'afarim." Ba'den misiku wel-baqara. Qallo : " lazim teruh 'and el-hakim beta' '1-beled." Qallo : "khabar e ya ragil?" Qallo : "ya sidi, an' ishteret minnu el- baqara ;