Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/431

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Reviews. 41 1

I do not take to all men alike.

To do the bed well over a man's head.

Ill beginning makes ill ending.

Blood will seldom seem blood to thee.

Ye shall not lay that box on me.

Let each do his best, there is chance later.

Evil counsels are hard to cope with.

It is ill to help cowards.

It is better to deal with men than devils.

Many little things happen on late eves.

Glam lends eyes.

No man may flee from his/a/if.

There is one fate for us all.

Many bade him farewell, but few said "Come back."

A man hard driven cannot /wTJJ-ft; nil things.

Too near my garik have deeds of hard need been.

Now God were in garth if our lot is to be bettered.

Here is good getting come to hand.

Few things lead more men to ill than not to know how to

take ihe good ih'^i comes. It is well to have better proof than guesses. Hot for the ha>id, but still a milksop's work. The arms will not fail if thine heart hold. Now has evil heart prevailed. No heart in him save he be holpen. This ha/> will not walk alone. An ill hoard-house to grope in. To lie between home and hell. I never saw thine irons bite so deep. Good for us two to share the kale alone. His hands and life a man must defend. Many a thing has its like. I cannot look to everything. Oft I lowt for little things. He would be deft if he were but lucky. He is not a man to play with. A man will prove himself what he is. All things soever will men do for money. Measured in unlike ways is man's bliss. My marks are the deepest cut.

There are more things than weregild to be thought of. All comes on a man at once. It is hard work to look after an outlaw. Let each, great or small, have his own. To beat a man like an oxhcad. He that can hold his peace is not all a fool. My prophecies do not live long [unfulfilled]. Many like ways have the proud.