Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/484

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462 Bibliography.

Marchiano (Dr. Michele). L' Origine della Favola Greca e i suoi Rapporti con le Favole Orientali. Trani : V. Vecchi. 1900. 8vo. xvi., 500 pp.

NuTT (Alfred). Cuchulainn, the Irish Achilles. D. Nutt. i6mo. 52 pp. (Popular Studies, No. 8.)

Stapleton (Alfred). All about the Merry Tales of Gotham. With Original Sketches, Facsimiles, and Plans. Nottingham: Pearson. 1900. Bvo. viii., 190 pp.

Thomson (R. Campbell). The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum. Vol. I., The Cuneiform Texts ; Vol. ii.. The English Trans- lation and Transliteration. (Vols. vi. and vii. of Luzac's Semitic Text and Translation Series.) Luzac & Co. 1900. Bvo. Vol. i., xviii. pp., 85 plates; Vol. ii., xcii., 148 pp. 12s. 6d. each.

Thwaites (Reuben Gold). Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France, 1610-1701. The Original French, Latin, and Italian Texts, with English Translations and Notes. Illustrated by Portraits, Maps, and Facsimiles. Vol. Ixviii. of the Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents. (Lower Canada, Crees, Louisiana, 17 20-1 736.) Cleveland: The Burrows Bros. Co. 1900. 8vo. pp. 335. [Contains a detailed account of the customs of the Natchez Indians in 1730, besides incidental notes.]

Weston (Jessie L.). Guingamor, Lanval, Tyolet, Le Bisclaveret. Four Lais Rendered into English Prose from the French of Marie de France and Others. No. iii. of Arthurian Romances unrepresented in Malory's Morte d'Arthur. D. Nutt. 1900. Min. 4to. xvi., 102 pp. 2s.

Wright (Joseph). The English Dialect Dictionary : being the Complete Vocabulary of all Dialect Words still in use or known to have been in use during the last 200 years. 4to. Vol. i. A — C. xxiv., 864 pp. Vol. ii. D— G. viii., 772 pp. H. Frowde. 1898, 1900. [Contains much valuable matter See, for instance, Barghest, Boggart, Bride-ale, Bride-door, Bride-wain, Dowse, Gaby, Gad, &c.]

WuTTKE (Adolf). Der deutsche Volksaberglaube der Gegenwart. 3te Bearbeitung. Berlin : Wiegandt und Grieben. 1900. xvi., 535 PP- I2S.