Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/487

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Abbey Milton, Dorset, witchcraft, no

Abbotsbury, Dorset, witchcraft, in

Abeko, see Lilith

Abercromby, J., The International Congress of Folklore in Paris, 427-33 ; review by, Skeat's Malay Magic, 305-8

Aberdeenshire, see Pitsligo

Abito, see Lilith

Aborigines of Tasmania, The, by H. Ling Roth, reviewed by A. C. Iladdon, 188-9

Abu-Nowas, Cairene folktale of, 365-7

Abuse, ceremonial, 18, 19, 171, 318-20

Abu Sirya, festival of, Helwan (Cairo), 393

Accounts of Folk-Lore Society, 50

Adam, in Hebrew charm, 156

Adam's road, in Rumanian charm, 130

Adbhiitnatha, meteorite worshipped at Sitamarhi, Bengal, 37

/Egean, Folktales from the, by W. R. Paton, 1 13-9, 333-44,452-6

Aerolites, see Meteorites

^sculapius, deification of, 89-90

/Ettar-fylgia, Icelandic guardian spirit, 237

Afarof or Raphael, in legend of child- stealing witch, 159

African folklore : (see also Ba-Ronga ; Egypt : Gold Coast ; Kaffirs ; Kili- manjaro ; Masai ; and Ngami, Lake) ; East, native attitude to meteorites, 36 ; eggs upon huts to ensure fertility, 322

Afrit, Egyptian, in Cairene folktales, 374-6, 378, 3S0 ; ancient sacred cave haunted by, 392 ; dislikes to be seen, 390 ; absence of fear pro- tects from, 389-91 ; sometimes ghost of dead man, 389 ; always harmful, 389 ; haunts buildings, 389-90 : hinders launch of dahabia, 394 ; laying, means of, 389 ; more dangerous at night. 392 ; "posses- sion " by, 389-90 ; takes sheep form as trap, 391-2 ; underneath hot

VOL. XI. :

springs, 378 ; in well, 374 ; in white cat form, friendly, 392

Aghasura, serpent king slain by Krishna, 12

Agnation or father right in Australian tribes, 70- 1

Agricultural folklore : (see also Corn- spirits ; Harvest customs and beliefs ; Iloli feast ; Ploughing customs and beliefs ; Sowing customs and beliefs) ; millet culti- vation, origin and decline of, 228 ; planting maize and coco-nuts, Malays, 306 ; rites to promote fertihty, 17-21, 26 ; Welsh land tenure, 399-400

Agricultural gods, 6, 7, 37

Ahichatra (Rohilkhand), miracle of Jaina saint, 16

Ahmadnagar, stone-throwing rites,


Aiora feast of Greeks, 22-3 Ajanta cave paintings, 32 Ak'onwarah, Iroquois evil spirit, 191 Alaska : (see also Bella Coola Indians;

and Point Barrow) ; human

sacrifice, 17 1 Alcheringa traditions of Arunta tribe,

C. Australia, 65-7, 69, 73 Aldormen, ancient English, functions

of, 275-6 Aleppo, in Greek folktale, 338 All about the Merry Tales of Gotham,

by A. Stapleton, reviewed, 425-6 Allentaschen, Esthonia, goat sacri- ficed, St. Thomas' Day, 257 Allgemeine Methodik der Volkskimde,

by L. Schermann and F. S. Krauss,

reviewed, 31 1-2 All Souls' Day, swinging custom on,

Bolivia, 25 Alphabet used in consecrating church,

by A. E.G. E., 105 Alsace, see Elsass Amazon, black saint worshipped on,

31 . America, see North America ; South

America American Indians, by F. Starr,

reviewed by E. S. Hartland, 206-7 Amizo, see Lilith