Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/506

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Lithuania, harvest festival, 260 ;

mummers, Dec. 24th, 263 Little Red Hen, 106, 316 Litton Cheney, Dorset, fear of over- looking, 112 Lizard, caught before St. George's

Day, 255 ; respected locally, 240 ;

transformed man, Germany, 236 Llanfechain, hare hunted, October,

250 Llanidloes, butterfly respected, 239 ;

white butterflies fed, coloured

killed, 244, 256 Llansainttfraid, raven respected, 241 Lleyn, chief with horse's ears at, 234 Loch Carloway (Lewis), well never

whitens linen, 446 Looking-glass not shown to Hindu

children, 218 Lord's Prayer, in charms against

disease, Hebrides, 449-50 Lost, remedies for being, Devon,

212 Loup-garou, Normandy, 426 Louth (Lin.), bumble-bee as famihar

spirit, 438 Low Countries, giants in pageants,

105 Lubbenau, snake respected, 241 Lucky and unlucky days and deeds,

Cairo, 380-1 ; Dorset, 112 ; Hebrides, 439 Lucky animals, 246-7 lAistnau, sunwise procession. 220 Lying-in women, charms to protect,

129-62 Lynar, counts of, respect snakes, 241

Mac-a-Rusgaich, his adventures as- cribed to Grettir, 407

MacPhail, M., Folklore from the Hebrides, IV., 439-50

Madaga sept of Kafirs, Hindu Kush, ancestors descended in thunderbolt,

35 Madras Government Museuvi Bul-

letin, vol. iii.. No. i, reviewed by

E. S. Hartland, 398-9 Madras, Reddi swinging rites, 23 ;

swing worshipped to avert cholera,

24 Maeren, sacrifices at, 280 ; twelve

priests at, 281 -2, 300 Maghs, tug-of-war between villages,


Magical formulas, divine names in,


Magical powers derived from animals,


Magpie, carried in procession, 258 ; caught before St. George's Day, 255 ; human being as, 236 ; human shape assumed, Perthshire, 236 ; killed, Erfurt, Good Friday, 256 ; respected locally, 241 ; shot to avert flies, Oldenburg, 255 ; trans- formed human being, 236

Mahabharata, early relations with Christianity implied in, 4 ; references to Krishna, 2-3, 5

Maize, Malay planting customs and beliefs, 306

Malabar, Nambutiris of, 399

Malagasy use of term "god," 169

Malas or pariahs and Hanuman, 218

Malay Alagic ; being an Introditction to the Folklore and Popular Religion of the Malay Peninsula, by W. W. Skeat, reviewed by J. Abercomby, 305-8

Mallard, eaten, Jan. 14th, Oxford,

259 Malvitha, in Syriac charm, 15 1 Mamantios, in Greek charm, 148 Man, feels cold otherwise than

woman, Cairo, 381 Manaton, Devon, sunwise procession,

220 Mandans, traditional memory among,

206-7 Mandhata, black Lingam at, 33 Manitous, as totems, 59-64, 67-8 ;

strange fish as, 177 Manntan's porridge, made annually

from remnant of seed - corn,

Hebrides, 440 Manuscripts, suggested legacy to

Folk-Lore Society, 437 Maori behefs, 180 Marathi beliefs, 99 Marathi Proverbs, collected by Rev.

A. Manwaring, reviewed by W.

Crooke, 98-9 March, magpie shot, to avert flies,

Oldenburg, 255 ; raven taken for

medicine, Tirol, 255 ; ist, crow

shot to hang in cowhouse, Linda,

255 : hare taken, 255 March Amheirchion. lord of Castell

March, with horse's ears, 234 March, H. C. , Customs relating to

Iron, 105-6 ; Dorset Folklore,
