Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/516

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Southern Sporades, lizard respected, 240

South-Slavonic Folklore Stories, by W. W. Strickland, reviewed by M. G., 313-4

South Uist, charms against diseases, 449-50 ; horses &c. sprinkled before spring ploughing, 439 ; thread tied to horse's hair as charm against evil eye &c., 439-40

Sowing customs and beliefs : bottom of basket not to be seen, Hebrides, 440 ; fires in India, 18; nail and egg placed in sowing basket, Hebrides, 440 ; porridge made from remnant of seed-corn, Hebri- des, 440 ; time of day selected to start sowing, island of Lewis, 440

Spain : [see also Catalonia) ; giants in pageants, 105 ; horses' heads as gable ornaments, 322 ; pig pursued blindfold with sticks, 252 ; sardine buried, 245

Spanos and the Ogres, The, Greek folktale, 1 17-9

Sparrow, caught and carried round, W. England, Valentine's Day, 251 ; form of soul, 235 ; sacrificed, 254

Spear straightening among the Tas- manians, 189

Spells, see Charms and Spells

Spider, associated with Bruces, 235 ; form of child-stealing witch, Ru- mania, 133 ; form of soul, 235 ; respected locally, 241

Spilling coffee on oneself lucky, Cairo, 381

Spitting before hill shrines, Korea, 326, 329

Sporades, Southern, see Southern Sporades

Sprains, charms and cures for, Hebrides, 448-9

Squirrel, burnt in Easter fires, 257 ; hunted locally, 251, 257; trans- formed human being, Germany, 236

Stable, crow or magpie nailed in, Herda, 255 ; toad hung in, Lech- rain and Tirol, 255

Stacks, hackles on, 322-3

Stag, head as gable ornament, Hesse, 322

Stagbeetle, struck at blindfold, Lau- tenthal, 254 ; tabooed, Ausbach, 242

Stairway to heaven, Jacob's, 197

Stamford, bull hunted, 250

Starcad, foster-son of Woden, 82-3, 87

Stars as angels, 197

Steam whistle, Cairene folktale of origin of, 377

Stepmothers' curses, stories referred to in Saga of King Sverri, 196

Stettin oak and spring, 82

Stockfish, buried, Portugal, 245 ; carried in procession, 258

Stone cross as life index, Easter Island, 436

Stones : {see also Meteorites) ; the abode of Semitic gods, 197-8 ; offered to mountain spirit, Korea, 329 ; sacred black, 33-7 ; sexes of, Kanakas, 174

Stone-throwing rites, 19

Stone worship discussed, 174-5

Stork, Cairene saying of, 383 ; as child-bringer, 235 ; carried in pro- cession, 258 ; man in other coun- tries, 236 ; must not be killed, 239

Storms averted by wren-hunting, Isle of Man, 20

Strigla, see Gylo

Stringed musical instruments, 97-8

Studies Oil Biblical Subjects, No. II., Jacob at Bethel, by A. S. Palmer, reviewed by A. H. Sayce, 196-8

Styes, charm for, S. Uist, 449-50

Suffolk : Fison's Merry Suff'olk, Master Archie, and other Tales ; a Book of Folklore, reviewed, 204-6 ; owl and squirrel hunted, Christmas, 251 ; spider respected, 241

Sugolia, meteorite hung in church, 35-6

Sun, ancestor of Sisintlae Indians, 60-1 ; Cairene saying, 381 ; only being prayed to by Bella Coola Indians, 301 ; sisters of, in Rumanian charm, 130; totem amongst Arunta, C. Australia, 67; tribal deity of Thompson Indians, British Columbia, 398

Sun worship, paper at Paris Congress of Folklore, A.D. 1900, 429

Sunday : ball play in churchyard, Bedd Gelert, 424 ; rain damages haycrop of sabbath-breaker, Wilt- shire, 458 ; water demon appears to salDbath-breaker, Wiltshire, 347

Sunwise canying of child in cure, Hebrides, 447

Sunwise carrying of fire round cow, &c., found dead, island of Lewis, 447

Sunwise turning of floating dish fore-