Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/555

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DoiOND (0. W.). The ancient village near Threlkekl. Cumb.and

West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 300-311. Earle-Fox (H. B.). G-reek coins in the cDllection of. Xam. C'/wou.

3rcl S. xviii. 28G-293. Elias (T.). Histoiy and associations of the abbeys and convents of

the vale of Cnnvay and district, lliif. Arch. As^^oe. Jour. N.S.

iv. 30-0-2. Elworthy (Fred T.). On Terra-cotta stamps or moulds found at

Taranto. >Soc. Anfiq. 2nd S. xvii. olI-Tl. -■ On Dc^vonshij'o verbal provincialisms. Drroii A.^sor. xxx.

5G-7G. Ely (TalfourdV The antiquities of Haylinc; island. Arch. Jm/r.

Iv. 28G-2f»r). Exgleheart (Rev. (t. H.) and Cus. H. Read and W. (towland. On

some buildings of the Romano-British ])eriod discovered at

Clanville, near Andover, and on a deposit of pewter vessels of the

same period found at Appleshaw, Hants. AreJurnlogfa, Ivi. 1-20. Evans (Sir John). A hoard of Roman coins. Xnin. C/iron. 3rd S.

xviii. r2G-184. EvAXS (D. PuGH). Llandissilio church. Arch. Cauib. 5th S. xv.

242-247. Farringtox (T. B.j. Report on searches made at the Public Record

Oiftce in respect of the town of Conway. Brit. Arch. Assoc.

Jour. N.S. iv. 201-222. Ferguson (Chancellor R. S.\ More picture board dummies. Arch.

Jour. Iv. 183-18G. Picture board dummies at Raby and Callaly castles. Arcli.

^liana, xx. 278-282. Various finds in Ormside church vard. Cumh. and West.

Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 377-380.

■ - Some West Cumberland tokens. C'lonb. and West, Antiq.

and Arch. Soc. xv. 392-41G.

Ferguson (C. J.). The growth of architecture. Shroj). Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. x. 19-32.

Ffennell (Margaret C). The shre^- ash in Richmond Park. Folk- Lore, ix. 330-33G.

Ffrench (Rev. J. F. M.\ A notice of some county Wexford and other chalices. lioij. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 126-136.

Firth (C. H.). Marston Moor. Hoy. Hid. Soc. N.S. xii. 17-79.

Fisher (Rev. G. W.). Sir Thomas Harris of Boreatton and his family. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. x. 77-92.