Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/558

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18 INDEX OF akch.t:ological papers

Southampton and ou the churches of the Chauuel Islaucls.

Huf/uowt Soc. V. 125-178. Grave (J. W. de). A refugee pasteur at the revocatiou — Jacob de

Routfiguac and his descendants. Hugiwnot Soc. v. 251-288. Gray (Rev. W.). Notes ou the natives of Tanna. Antlu-op. Join-.

N.S. i. 127-132. Grayling (F.). The churches of Sittingbourue and Milton. Arrli.

Cant, xxiii. 150-1 GO. Greene (John). John Lydgate, monk of Bury. Suffolk Insf. AirJi.

X. 7-18. Griffith (F. Ll.). On the reading of an Egyptian hyroglyph. S jc.

Bib. Arch. xx. 2!:»9. Groome (Francis Hindes). Tobit and Jack the Giant-killer. Folk- Lore, ix. 226-244. Grceber (H. A.) and L. A. Lawrence. The Balcombe find. Xiini.

Chron. 3rd S. xviii. 8-72. Grundy' (G. B.). a suggested characteristic in Thukydides' work.

Jo\u\ Hell. Studies, xviii. 218-231. Giuseppi (Montague S.). The parliamentary surveys relating to

Southwark. Surrey Arch. Soc. xiv. 42-71. GwiLLiM (E. Ll.\ Notes from the register books of the parish of

Preshute during the 17th century. Wilti^ Areh. and Xaf. Hist.

Soc. XXX. 100-110. Gwyddfarch. The passes of Cwm Bychan and Drws Ardudw}.

Montgomeryshire Coll. xxx. 313-318. Hall (Rev. J. Melland). The will of Godfrey Gitfard, Bishop of

AVorcester, a.d. 1301. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xx. 139-

154. Architectural notes on the churches of St. John, Elkstone,

and St. Giles, Cubberley. Bristol and Glouc, Arch. Soc. xx.

241-246. Hardy (W. J.). On a lawsuit concerning the Lady Elizabeth

Stuart's jewels. Archaologia, Ivi. 127-132. — Lady Cathcart and her husbands. St. All/ans and Herts.

Archit. and Arch. Soc. i. N.S. 119-128. Harrison (William). Ancient beacons of Lancashire and Cheshire,

Lane, and Cheshire Antig. Soc. xv. 16-48. Hartland (Edwin Sidneys The "High Gods" of Australia. Folk- Lore, ix. 290-329. Hartopp (Henry). Calendar of Leicestershire wills 1495-1649.

Leicestemhire Archit. and Arch. Soc. viii. 258-290.