Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/6

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Henry Balfour's The Natural History of the Musical Bow. W. Crooke . . . . . 97
Rev. A. Manwaring's Marathi Proverbs. W. Crooke . 98
Rev. T. K. Cheyne and J. Sutherland Black's Encyclopædia Biblica. W. Crooke . . . . 99
John Mathew's Eaglehawk and Crow. E. Sidney Hartland. 101
R. Köhler. Kleinere Schriften. Vol. I. Alfred Nutt . 104
H. Ling Roth's The Aborigines of Tasmania. A. C. Haddon. 188
Archæological Report of Ontario. 1898. E. Sidney Hartland . . . . . .190
Archæological Report of Ontario. 1899. E. Sidney Hartland ...... 192
J. Sephton's The Saga of King Sverri of Norway. W. A. Craigie ....... 193
Dr. A. Smythe Palmer's Studies on Biblical Subjects. No. II. A. H. Sayce ..... 196
Andrew Lang's The Homeric Hymns . . .198
Dr. M. Rosenfeld. Der Midrash Deuteronomium Rabba . Par. IX. u. XI. M. Gaster . . . .200
Dr. Hans Zahler. Die Krankheit im Volksglauben des Simmenthals ....... 201
Dr. A. Haas. Rügensche Skizzen. E.Sidney Hartland . 202
Oskar Daenhardt. Naturgeschichtliche Volksmärchen aus Nah und Fern. Mabel Peacock .... 203
Čenkĕ Zíbrt. Literatura Kulturnĕ-historická a ethnografická, I. 204
Lois A. Fison's Merry Suffolk, Master Archie, and other Tales. E. Sidney Hartland ..... 204
Frederick Starr's American Indians. E. Sidney Hartland . 206
J. Deniker's The Races of Man. E. Sidney Hartland . 207
Dr. Franz Boas's The Mythology of the Bella Coola Indians. E. Sidney Hartland . . . 301
Walter William Skeat's Malay Magic. John Abercromby . 305
Charles G. Leland's Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches . 309
Rev. A. H. Sayce's Babylonians and Assyrians. . .310
W. L. Ripley's Bibliography of the Anthropology and Ethnology of Europe. Alfred Nutt . . . . 310
L Schermann und F. S. Krauss. Allgemeine Methodik der Volkskunde. Alfred Nutt . . . .311
R. Petsch. Neue Beitrage zur Kentniss des Volkräthsels. Alfred Nutt . . . . . 312
W. W. Strickland's Segnius Irritant ; North-West Slav Legends and Fairy Stories; and South-Slavonic Folklore Stories; Jules Brun's La Veillée. M. Gaster . . 313
Horace Chauvet. Folklore Catalan. E. Sidney Hartland . 314
W. H. D. Rouse's The Talking Thrush and other Tales from India. E. Sidney Hartland . . . 315
John Spence's, Shetland Folklore. Florence Peacock . 316