Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 13, 1902.djvu/474

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Burmah : fish charm, 338

Barne, Miss C. S. , Charm against the Evil Eye, 202 ; The Collection of Folklore, 299-302 ; How to Annul "Blood-Brotherhood," 428 ; review by, Henderson's Sir Walter Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, 433-5

Burns and scalds, cure for, Hebrides, 56

Bush-souls, Calabar, 349, 359-60, 376

Butter, charms to bring, Newlands (Glouc), 176

Butterev : place rhymes. 391-3

Butterfly : Butterfly Charm, by S. O. Addy, 432 ; as human soul, E. Asia &c., 432 ; as omen, Hebrides, 50

Cabbage : seeds as remedy for jaun- dice, Bloemfontein, 181 ; stock used in divination, Hebrides, 53

Cafernaum, Antichrist will rule in, 129

Cairns : among Baloches, 265-6 ; pre- vent wicked spirits from wander- ing, 218

Caithness : gave crest to Sutherland family, 379 ; mythic derivation of name, 379

Cakes : Beltane bannock, Hebrides, 41 ; Fathering and Mothering Sun- days, St. Briavel's, 174 : Good Fri- day, St. Briavel's, 173; Hallowe'en, Hebrides, 55 ; for mad dogs, Germany, 96; St. Michael's ban- nock, Hebrides, 44-5 ;

Calabar : " bush souls," 349, 359-60, 376

Calendar folklore, see Days and Seasons

Calenig or Gift, The, by Miss M. Peacock, 202-3

Calf : {see also Bull ; Cattle ; and Cow) ; assigned to child with first tooth, Hebrides, 32 ; born in month Bhadon unlucky, Punjab, 280 ; good omen. Hebrides, 49 ; she, how to obtain, Hebrides, 35

Californian Indians : newly married must not touch ground, 242

Cambridgeshire, see Ely

Camel : in Balochi ballads, 254-5 ; neck charms, Syria, 337

Campbell, pig an omen of a. Hebri- des, 49

Camphor, ceremonies by collectors

of, Malays, 163 Canada, see British Columbia Candle : New Year, Hebrides, 46 ;

omen of letter from, St. Briavel's,

172; winding sheet in, St. Briavel's,

172 Candlemas : in saying, Hebrides, 39 Cane-grass, in Dieri legend, 417 Canterbury : St. Augustine, 213 ; St.

Edmund, 217 ; St. Thomas Becket,

217 Cape Colony, see Boer Cape River, see Koombokkaburra

tribe ; and ^lungerra tribe Carnelian : charms, Arabs, 338, 341-

2, 345 . Carpentaria, Gulf of, in \ aurorka

legend, 412 Carpet-snake, see Snake Carrot, wild : gathered, given, and

eaten, St. Michael's Day, Hebrides,


Castile, see Toledo

Castleton : Garland Day, 302, 313, jingle sung on, 91-2. 313

Cat : born from Lazarus' hair, Outsa: Hebrides, 34 ; burial under door- sill drives away luck, 239 ; must not drink cow's milk after calving. Outer Hebrides, 34 ; folktale. Outer Hebrides, 33-4 ; fur as cure for bronchitis, Bloemfontein, 181- 2 : grey, favourite of fairies, West- ruther, 178 ; in jingle, Lincoln- shire, 91 ; omens from, Outer Hebrides, 34, 49 ; replaces fox in fables. Outer Hebrides, 33 ; ra\-ing about cats sign of possession, Malays, 151 ; sayings about. Outer Hebrides, 34, St. Briavel's, 172 ; white, witch takes shape of, Newn- ham Murren, 2S9-90 ; wild, crest of Clan Chattan and House of Sutherland, 378, supposed to be descendants, 379 ; wild, group name, Yankton tribe, 3S8 ; witch as, Berkshire, 425, Oxfordshire, 289-90

Caterpillar : charmed as enemy of the rice, Malay Penin., 160 ; dreaded, Hebrides, 38 ; fatal to cows, Hebrides, 38 ; name for, Hebrides, 38 ; evil spirit ' sent ' in form of, Malays, 147, 157 : swelling of foot from bite of, Malays, 157