1 10- 1 ; saints in Nova Legenda Anglie, 2.\z-l, 217 ; Wood-Martin's Traces of the Elder Faiths of Ireland reviewed, 323-7
Irim, gardens of : parallel legend, Touaregs, 284-5
Iron : {^see also Axe ; Horse-shoe ; Knife ; Kris ; Needle; Pin ; Scythe ; ««(/Sickle) ; dreaded by bhuts, Ben- gal, 281,283; in dream, Hebrides, 51
Ishmaelites, in Florentine variant of Letter of Toledo, 128
Islands, see under names, such as Aland islands
Isle of Man : fairies, 186 ; familiar spirit, 187 ; spirit of unbaptized, 186-7
Italy, see Milan ; Naples ; Romans; and Tuscany
Itaziptco tribe ; group names, 3S8
Jaafir tribe, 262 Jackal : Balochi name, 272 Jack-o'Lantern, see Will-o'the Wisp Jacobabad : folktales from, 253 Jak-tree : in Perahera festival,
Kandy, 77-8 Jangams : marriage customs, 246 Jakuns : tribal feasts, 159-63 Jampur : third conception after two
births unlucky, 64 January : {see also New Year's Day ; and Old Twelfth Night) ; last fort- night part of venomous month, Hebrides, 40 ; holly burnt on old New Year's Day, St. Briavel's.
Japan : (^see also Ainu ; Atami ; and Odawara) ; barren women touched in race, 25 ; burial custom, 276-7 (illns.) ; gohei, 24 ; possession by foxes, 149
Jarrow : Bede's Chair for barrenness, 235 ; St. Benedict Biscop, 215
Jatoi, Balochi tribe, 257
Jaundice, remedy for, Bloemfontein, 181
Java : deer used in sendings, 157
Jerahmeelites : theory of Hebrew origin among, 219
Jersey, island of : islanders nick- named " crapauds," 396
Jeth, month of : firstborn not mar- ried in, nor mother eats firstfruits in, Punjab, 278
Jewels : {see also Carnelian ; Garnet ; and Turquoise) : legends of valley, palace, and trees of, Touaregs, 284-5
Jewitt, Mrs. W. H., Harvest Customs, 113, 180
Jews : Encyclopccdia Biblica reviewed, 218-9 ; marriage rites, 218, 238 ; phylactery, 337 ; Duff's The The- ology and Ethics of the Hebrews reviewed, 442-4
Jhanda, weddingdance of Kattais, 243
Jhelum : re-marriage after first birth, 279 ; ' trikhal ' child drilled with lYz holes, 68
Jingle Sung at Castleton, by Miss M. Peacock and F. Kidson, 91-2
Jinns : cause whirling sand spouts, Sahara, 285 ; "song of the sands " is their talk, Arabs, 286
Jive Lai, Balochi shrine, 262
Jogis, origin of, 198
Journey : omens at starting, Baloches 264 ; starting, unlucky to recall or return after, Hebrides, 231
Ju-ju, of Aros, 166-70 {//a/fc')
July : Perahera procession, Kandy,
77-9 June : {see also Midsummer Eve ; and St. Peter's Day) ; Perahera procession, Kandy, 77-9
Kabi tribe : believe in water spirits
and ghosts, not deity, 19 Kadiwonkuru, a legend of the Yau-
rorka, 409-11 Kadlikua, in Wonkanguru and Ura-
bunna legend, 414 Kakars : parents re-married after first
birth, 279 Kalamantans : deer not eaten, 356 Kalat : folktales from, 253 Kamilaroi, Guyder river : believe in
creator and spirits, 19 Kandy : Perahera procession, 77-9 Kangra : special names for child born
after twins, 279, and born after two
of other sex, 279 Kanjaris : marriage customs, 243 Kapiri, see Iguana Kapurs : parents re-married after first
birth, 279 Karnal : eighth child dangerous to
mother, 68 : name for son born
after three girls, 66 Kasinda flowers in Indian folktale,