Malay Spiritualism, by W. W. Skeat, 1 15-134-65
Malhotras : parents re-married after first birth, 279
Man : boy baby in dream, omen from, Hebrides, 51 ; boy may not be killed till assumes man's dress, Baloches, 267 ; boys born after and before girl unlucky, Punjab, 280 ; middle of three successive boys lucky, Punjab, 280 ; more lucky than woman, Shropshire, 430 ; as village sobriquet, 386
Manchester: 'lifting' custom, Easter, 249
Manchus : bride steps over saddle, 236, sits in red chair, 244
Mandans ; group names, 390-1 ; sur- vivals of female descent, 351, 390
Mandrake : procures conception, He- brews, 218
Mangarrara, the Creator, Larrakia tribe, 18
Mangs : bride stands in basket with stone, 235
Manitus : in relation to totemism, 349-50, 365, 366, 368
Manning, P., Stray Notes on Oxford- shire Folklore, 114, 288-95
Manx folklore, see Isle of I\Ian
Maoris : worship of vegetationspirit, 25
March, see Annunciation, Feast of ; and St. Patrick's Day
Marett, R. R. : on totemism and ex- ogamy, 396-7; reviews by, Nicolay's Histoire des Croyances, Super- stitions, Maurs, Usages, et Cotdtmies {selon le plan dii Decalogue), 336 ; Letourneau's La Psychologie Eihnique, 209-11
Marie de France : Seven of her Lays done into Ettglisk, by Miss E. Rickert, reviewed, 222-3
Marillier, Leon, death of, 26-7
Mari Mata, goddess of death, N. India, 189
Markanyankula, a Legend of the Wonkanguru and Urabunna, 413-4
Marmalade, folk etymology of, 378
Marriage customs and beliefs : Aus- tralia, 19, 315-8, 340, 398-402; Baloches, 269-71; Bhils, 243; blood-covenant in marriage rites, Bengal, Bonabe, Romans, Society islands, 208 ; bride collects wool, Hebrides, 32; bride wears something borrowed, Hebrides, 33 ; Cheshire,
245 ; dances, 235 ; divination, Hebrides, 53-5, Kennet Valley, 422, Rollright Stones, 235, Torres Straits, 103 ; divorce, 445 ; Dur- ham, 245 ; Egypt, 238 ; Esthonia, 234 ; first of several marriages lucky, Hebrides, 33 ; France, 235 ; gipsies, 238, 244; among Hebrews, 218, 238; Holstein, 235; India, 234, 242-7 ; Kent, 245 ; The Lift- ing of the Bride, by W. Crooke, 225, 226-51 ; Manchus, 236, 244 ; marriage associated with stones, 234-7 ; marriage by capture, 233-4, 239 ; Crawley's The Mystic J\ose, a Study of Primitive Marriage reviewed, 205-9 ; Northumberland, 227-32 ; polyandry and polygamy,
445 : Prussia, 446 ; Punjal), 278-9 ; re-marriage after first birth, and after twenty births, Khatris, 279 ; Scotland, 242 ; Shiah Mahomedans,
446 ; six birds omen of wedding, St. Briavel's, 171; swayamvara, or choosing of husbands, 445 ; tem- porary marriages, Shiah Mahome- dans, &c., 446; Torres Straits, 103 ; Transylvania, 244 ; Turkey, 245 ; Wiltshire, 241 ; Yorkshire, 235
Marriage feast in dream sign of death, Hebrides, 51
Marris, Balochi tribe, 266
Marsh Gibbon : witchcraft at, 291
Marsh mallow : as remedy, Kennet Valley. 420
Martin, W. , Goblins in the Isle of Man, 186-7
Marunga tribe : folk-song, 412
Marwaris: marriage customs, 246-7
jNIary river, see Kabi tribe
Mary, Virgin, see Virgin Mary
Masks : Benin, 440
Masts : knife in brings wind, He- brides, 32
Mata, smallpox goddess, firstborn son sacrificed to, Mairs, 63
Mataatu (Samoa) : rights of rest of family to man's property, 200-1
Mati-anak, Malay demon, 135
Matriarchy, see Mother-right
Mathura, shrines at, 303
Matthurie class, see Urabunna tribe
May : {see also May Day) ; agricul- ture lucky in first 16 days, He- brides, 40-1 ; Perahera procession, Kandy, 77-9
May Day : Beltane bannock, cheese,