Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 15, 1904.djvu/302

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278 The European Sky-god.

ground god' as in //. g. 457 ' Both the underground Zeus/ &c., sc. Pluto. {d) ' The sun' as in //. 13. 837 ' Reached the upper air and the rays of Zeus.' " Eustathius^°'^ too, whose knowledge of Greek mythology was immense, declares : "Zeus or Zen is a name common to the brothers Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades." If it be objected that these and other similar identifications'*^^ are all literary and may be merely metaphorical, ^° it is possible to point to a few definite cults of Zeus-Poseidon and Zeus-Hades. A god who bore the compound title Zeno-Poseidon '°^ was wor- shipped in Caria. His temple stood beside a river in a place where thunderbolts were supposed to fall with especial frequency ; '°^ and he appears on coins of Mylasa holding an eagle in his left hand and resting on a trident with his right.'os As to Zeus-Hades, Dr. FarnelP^^ justly observes : " The chthonian Zeus undoubtedly appeared in the group of Zeus-Hades in the temple of Athene Itonia at

"" Eustath., 763, 52, ('coil TO Zsvg yroi Z/)i/ koivvI' uvoi-ia Aioc Kal UoaEtSoJvoQ Kat' AiSov Twv aS£\(pwv.

'"* Schol. 0pp. AaL, 5. 423, Ztjvoq aXiySovTroio ' Neptunus, Eur. KpiJTig frag., 904 Dind. Zsvg eiT-' 'AiStjq \ ovoixaZofievog arkpytiQ, Orph. hymn., i8. 3 f. Tiiv )(96vis (TKT]TrTOV)(e, rdd' lepd ds^o TrpoOvfiug ' | UXovtuv, og Karl;^£t£ yairjg tcXijlcag dirucrtig, Nonn. Dion., 27. 77, Zj/vi KUTaxQov'n^ Zi.tdiy\iivov, "A'iSt, TTfyUi/zw, Hesych. Zevg Karaxdoviog ' 6 'Ai^wv, iiyovv u "AiCrig and )(G6piog Zsvg • 6"Aic)]g, schol. //., 15. 188, 6 Si"AiSr]g .... icat Zei^e Karaxdoviog .... Kai JJXovTwv.

'"* Cp. Gruppe, p. 1094 f. " Wenn Poseidon Meerzeus heisst, so ist das zunachst nur eine Vergleichung, die ausdriickt, dass er auf dem Meere dieselbe Macht hat, wie Zeus im Himmel. So ist wahrscheinlich auch die Bezeichnung des Hades als Zeus Chthonios oder Katachthonios zu verstehen ; denn wenngleich Zeus in einer sehr fernen Vergange7iheit mit Ziigen des untei-weltlichen Herrschers atisgestattet wo>-den ist, so hat diese begonnene Theokrasie spater schwerlich mehr nachgewirkt." In the words that I have italicized Gruppe grants at least half my contention.

""^ Macho ap. Athen., 337 c, Corp. inscrr. Gr., 2700 add., CoUitz, Gr. Dia- Icktinschr. 5163 b., 12: see Roscher, Lex., s.v. " Osogoa."

'" Theophrast. ap. Athen., 42 A.

'"8 Brit. Mus. Cat. Gk. Coins, Caria, p. 132 f., nos. 31, 32, 37.

"» Farncll, i., 105.