Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 15, 1904.djvu/525

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after death, Jerusalem, 186-7; door- way turned if person dies in room, Jamaica, 88 ; dust &c. cast out of house after coffin, Jamaica, 88 ; dying placed in special position for burial, Basutos, 256 ; dying taken out of hut, Basutos, 255-6 ; funeral never downhill, Guernsey, 123 ; funeral pyre of Hephaestion, 392 ; funeral songs, Todas, 177 ; future life, beliefs about, Torres Straits, 358 ; ghosts, see Ghosts ; goodbye not bidden at wake, Jamaica, 209 ; grain presented to dead, Basutos, 256 ; hat must be taken off on meeting funeral, Jamaica, 208 ; huts of dead des- troyed, Basuto, 258 ; kissing corpse on mouth destroys teeth, Jamaica, 207 ; looking glass reversed or covered on death, Jamaica, 206 : marked worsted put in child's coffin, Jerusalem, 187 ; mourning customs, Basutos, 256-7, Jamaica, 212 ; razor which shaved corpse taken to avert haunting, Jamaica, 453 ; room must be undisturbed after death, Jamaica, 207 ; sacrifice of animals for sins of dead, Armenia and Georgia, 438-9 ; shroud thread must not be bitten by teeth, Jamaica, 209 ; sin-eating, 440, 478, Armenia, 440- 1 ; skull cleaned by ants and kept, Torres Straits, 357 ; tears dropping on corpse bring harm, Jamaica, 207 ; thighbone trumpet used in funeral procession, Tibet, 334 (plate) ; twins buried near lake, Ba-Ronga, 434 ; wakes, Jamaica, 209, 212 ; water in six houses thrown away at death, Jerusalem, 186-7; water from washing corpse thrown on grave, Jamaica, 88, or after hearse, Jamaica, 206 ; wayfarer meeting coffin must return with it, Jamaica, 453 ; weather at funeral shows character of dead, Jamaica, 453 5 yams rot as owner's corpse rots, Jamaica, 88

December : (see also Christmas ; and New Year's Eve) ; first Monday after Christmas, bull-baiting, Stan- ford, 201

Deer, see Sambhur

Dee valley (Aberd.) : St. John's Eve, 105-6, 350-1

Deirdre, The Story of, in its bearing

on the Social Development of the Folktale, by Miss Eleanor Hull, i,


Deity, conceptions of: amongst Basu- tos, 248-9, Greeks, 300-4, Kafirs, 226 ; men as deities, 300-4 ; as sky god, Europe, 264-315 ; Torres Straits, 358; Upper Congo, 326-7

Delagoa Bay, see Ba-Thonga

Delos: King Anius of, 395 ; oak-leaf crowns dedicated to Apollo, 417 ; sacred embassy to Delphi, 408-9

Delphi : (see also Pytho) ; Apollo's tripod, 416-7; Charila ceremony, 313-4; great temple at, 411-2 ; image of Apollo, 413-4 ; Labyadse phralry, 420- 1 ; month called Apellaios, 420 ; myth of Phorbas, 376-7; myth of votive tripod from, Constantinople, 107 ; Neoptolemus killed at, 407 ; omphalos at, 412-5 ; oracles, 375, 386, 395 ; perpetual fire, 309 ; plane tree at, 299 ; rites performed every eight years, 402- 414 ; Zeus worship at, 412-3

Demsenetus the Parrhasian, story of, 408

Demerara, see Buck Indians

Demeter : associated with chthonian Zeus, 276; oaths of jurors to, Athens,

Demetrius Poliorcetes as Zeus, 302-3 Demons and evil spirits : (see also Devil): 'Al, dangerous to mothers and change children, Egin, 445-6; British Guiana, 343; charms against, Basutos, 246 ; cause diseases, E. Central Africa, 70, Guernsey, 120; exorcism of, see Exorcism; specially dangerous at childbirth, Jerusalem, 186 ; dodged by renaming sick Jews, 186; of water, Basutos, 246; women may be wives of, British Guiana, 343 Deng or magical power, Indo-China,


Derbyshire, see Derwent river Derwent river: personification of, 99 Devil : called up, Monmouthshire, 76-7 ; in folktales, Ireland, 337, 339 ; Guernsey, 120 ; knees behind him, 34; seen after killing ten iS:c. pigs, Fifeshire, 97 Devil outwitted type of folktale, 85-6 Devil's Lent, Sicily, 128 Devon : pins driven into wax image, 102