Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/106

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84 Collectanea.

If the goal-keeper fails to stop the ball a certain number of times he must change places with the one who has most shots to his credit.

Nine Holes.

On a flat piece of turf nine holes, three holes in three rows at equal intervals, are made and a stand is fixed in front of them. Each hole has a number assigned it from one to nine. The player places himself at the stand and tries to roll a ball into one of the holes ; he continues so long as he is successful, his score mounting up with the value attached to each hole. If he fail he is followed by another player, and so on in succession till the number fixed on for " game " is reached by one of the players.


The players were each provided with a round shot of about seven pounds weight. Two usually played against each other. The object was to cover a certain distance of road, as a rule between one and three miles, with the fewest number of throws. It might however be who would reach the greatest distance in a previously determined number of casts. From the starting-point each hurled his ball in the direction of the goal. On reaching the ball the player could with his foot draw a line across the road and might make his next cast from any point on that line. The skill of the player, as distinguished from his strength, was chiefly evident in being able to put twist on his bullet so that it would take a curve in the road and not be brought up at the road side before its travelling power was expended.

This game, which was played but a few years ago, was put a stop to by authority as dangerous to persons and horses on the public roads.


Has no doubt been indulged in from time immemorial. Combats between chosen sides and predetermined leaders, with the smaller boys to supply the fighting lines with ammunition, are organised when the fall of snow is heavy.