Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/108

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86 Collectanea.

so as to touch the ground with the right and then regain the upright position without letting go of the right foot or staggering.

Seasamh Claidheimli. (Standing of a sword.)

The name in Barra for standing on the head and hands, feet together, extended upwards. The question was, who could stand most firmly and longest with the legs straight?

A swing IS called in Lowland Scottish a "swee." Jamieson spells it "sway," "swey." As above mentioned, it is a name also applied to the pot chain which hung over the fire. A children's swing in Gaelic is a droHag, and a pair of pot hooks is called drolla, also the name for the handle of a pot. In Skye the following words are repeated while swinging a companion :

" Tuille gorachd nunn gu Muideart Tuille eiridh nunn gu Rasaidh."

See Saw. (See p. 250 of games.)

In Uist they repeat while swinging on a plank, " Diol a bhocadan, ho-ro, chracadan." We give the spelling as we got it, the words probably mean "a plank waving, ho-ro cracking," making a cracking noise.


(P. 17, after line 17.)

Cat and Dog.

In Perthshire " Cat and Dog " are played somewhat differently. Sides being formed, a ring is marked sufficiently large to contain those of the side which are in. About twelve yards from the ring a stone is set up, or other mark made called the "den." The side out spread themselves at convenient distances in front of the ring. The first player in the ring lays the cat on the ground, strikes it with his dog on one end so as to make it rise, and when it is in the air strikes it out; he then runs for the "den," which he must touch with his dog and back to the ring ; if successful, this counts one for his side. If the cat is caught in the air by one of