Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/444

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386 Bavili Notes.

4. Maleka,^ a figure of a man.

5. Bixibula Xibula, a figure of a man, at Mpili.

6. Xilinga.

7. Lenga lenga, a man with a knife.

8. Zambi inyona.

9. Ngembe/ a figure of a man.

10. Mvumvu Xioxilo,^ a figure of a dog.

1 1. Pansu muinda, a figure of a man.

12. Boka miemvu, a figure of a man.

13. Lu siemu, a figure of a dog.

14. Mavungu Mambuembo, a figure of a man.

The Story of How Xidiela Exposed the Wizards.-

Xidiela was not well treated at home, and was finally- told by his people that he was not worth anything, and had better go away and earn his living as best he could ; they were tired of supporting him. This rather sobered Xidiela, and as he was already a bearded man, he knew he would have some difficulty in getting his living in a decent way, and he dreaded the thought of having to turn his hands to any hard work. He approached a rich man and offered him his services as " boy " or cook.

" You are too old," said the rich man.

"Never mind that, try me. I will do my best for you."

And so he was engaged to clean plates, cook food, and cut wood. He continued to clean plates, and cook food, and cut wood for a long, long time. During all this time sundry Ngangas kept on telling him that he was serving a Mnntii a Ndongo, and Xidiela at last felt that there must be some truth in what he was told.

1 These gentlemen are now in Europe.*

^ Xidiela means in Fjort a man who humbugs people. A native woman called Ngo told me the story.