452 Collectanea.
" Sud mar chaidh an cal a dholaidh, Air na bodaich dhubha Ghallda ; Laidh a' mhin air mas a choire 'S rinn na bodaich cabhruich."
(" That is how the kail went to loss / On the old men black Low- landers / The meal lay on the bottom of the pot / And the old men made sowans.")
' ' C'ait am bi na maraichean Nuair a bhios muir a' deanadh ? A' mireadh le na caileagan, Ann tighean geala Grianaig."
("Where will the sailors be? /When the sea will be making? (rising) / Playing (flirting) with the girls / In the white houses of Greenock.")
" Dian a ghaol nach beir thu air Cha bu tu do shean-mhathair Nuair a bha i aig t-aois, Dian a ghaol nach beir thu air."
(" Brisk my love will you not prevail with me (catch it) / You were rot your grand-mother / When she was your age / Brisk my love will you not catch it.")
"Hi-an, ho-an crog an tailleir Siosar, meuran, agus snathed."
("Hi-an ho-an the paw of the tailor / Scissors, thimble and needle.")
" Mhin bhosag bhan, lamh leinibh bhig,
Nuair a thig mis' as a bheann, gheibh thu im, 's bainne teth."
("Smooth white Httle palm, hand of little child, /When I will come from the hill you will get butter and hot milk.")
"Craganach, craganach, craganach gaolach, Goididh tu gobhair, 'us goididh tu caoiraich."
(" Hardy (?) hardy, hardy dear / you will steal goats and you will steal sheep.")
This is a Uist lullaby.
" Zinty pinkty, halligolum The cat went out to get some fun, It got some fun and back it comes Zinty, pinkty halhgolum."