holed stones protect from, Antrim, 7 ; luck cups from, 173 ; Midir the fairy king, Ireland, 67, 153, 162, 167, 170,' 336
Fairs : St Maelrubha, Scotland, 333 ; St Neot's (Hunt.), 44
Falcon : Gwalchmei the f. of May, 50 ; in Parzival, 344 ; white, haunted oak of Hays, Perthshire, 319-20
Fand, wife of Manannan, 149-50, 167, 336
Faraday, Miss L. W., Custom and Behef in the Icelandic Sagas, 386, 387-426
Farbill barony : the Fir Bile, 64
Faringdon Clump : ' Blowing Stone,' 320
Faroes : life in, 13
Father-right, see Agnation or father- right
Fatimah, daughter of Mohammed, 507
Faunus as king of Latium, 409
Fawn, see Deer
Feast of Fools, 382
Feathers : hen's f. in diviner's cushion, Iceland, 414 ; on magical stick in exorcism, S. America, 266-8; of hunted wren, 270
February : (see also Candlemas ; Can- dlemas Eve ; and St Brigit's Festi- val) ; 22nd, expulsion ceremony, Westphalia, 263 ; Roman Equiria, 420
Feet : Back-footed Beings, by A. T. Crawford Cree, 2, 7, 131-40
Fez : burlesque festival, 506
Fiacha, son of Lughaid Menn, 170
Fiachna, son of Belach, 150
Fianna, see Finn MacCumall and the Fianna
Fifeshire, see Carnock
Findmag Feimin : Nuada Find Feimin reared at, 34
Finger-rings, see Rings, finger
Finland : Finns as diviners, Scandi- navia, 415; folklore publications,
Finmark : buried treasure, 413
Finn MacCumall and the Fianna, 59, 170, 316, 427
Fir Bile, the, 63-4
Fir Bolgs : in folktale, 154, 169 ; Nuada's wars with, 28
Fire : amulet against, Ireland, 325 ; bonfires. Beltane, Ireland, 30, 45, 64-5, 325, Candlemas, 325, Sam- hain, 30, 162, 325 ; firestick
carried to drive off spirits, Aus- tralia, 261-2 ; fires lighted at graves, N.S. Wales, 261, in hut to be exorcised S. America, 267 ; Greek god backfooted, 135 ; hymn of St Columcille sung against, Ire- land, 327 ; Loki a fire spirit, 389 ; robin a firebringer, Brittany &c., 447, of St Brigit, Kildare, 325
First: butterfly &c., killed for luck, 277-8
Firth of Forth, see Inchkeith
Fish in folklore : {see also Cod ; Dol- phin ; Salmon ; Shark ; Trout ; and Umbrina) ; of Boyne river eaten by Irish king, 162; "ear bones" as amulets, 466-7 {plate) ; petrified milk as amulet, Spain, 471 {plate) ; sacred fish connected with Nuada, Nodons, and Neot, 45
Fishing: Lapp god, 134; Nuada and his parallels connected with, 47 ; watchingfisher makes fish worthless, Cairo, 198
Five : as protective number, Morocco, 458
Flageolets : Tibet, 3
Flanders : {see also West Flanders) ; cat's cradle, 83
Flavius Senilis, Roman fleet com- mander, 39
Flints : in elf bag, Ireland, 202
Fljotsdoela saga, 389, 403, 423
Floamanna saga, 389, 391, 396, 401,
Flowers in folklore : {see also Broom ; Meadowsweet ; and Rose) ; crown of f., Ireland, 168; in "wassail box," Yorkshire, 349
Flute : dance, Moqui Indians, I
Folk-drama : Cornwall, 56-7 ; Cham- bers' The Mediaeval Stage reviewed, 379-84 ; Tibet, 3
Folklore: scope of study, 233-5
Folklore of Dolls, The, by E. Lovett, 129
Folk- Lore Society : Does the Folk- Lore Society Exist for the Study of Early Institutions?, by H. A. Rose, 1 1 1-3, and Miss C. S. Burne, 233-5
Folk music : Ewe tribes, 256 ; Slo- venes, 252
Folk-sayings, see Proverbs
Folk-songs: Amazulu, 474; Baloches, 8-9; Bretagne, 313-4; Ewe tribes, 256; Germany, 271 ; Ireland, 60, 161, 316; as related to folktales,