Marchant, F. P. : review by, — The Czech Ethnographical Review, 25 1 -2
March Malaen, in Welsh Triad, 49
Marett, R. R. : reviews by — Clodd's Animism : the Seed of Religion, 254-5 ; Karsten's The Origin of Worship : a study in Primitive Religion, 246-8 ; Preuss' Der Ur- sprungder Religion imdKunst, 1 26-8
Mark, The, see Attendorf
Marriage customs and beliefs : Ama- zulu, 472-9 {plates) ; Australia, 17, 20, 107-10, 174-89, 242-4, 288-307, 489; 'bachelette' cus- tom, Chatillon-sur-Seine, 280 ; Bohemia, 252 ; bride sprinkled with gall of sacrifice, Amazulu, 483 ; by purchase, Philippines, 121 ; cakes, Russia &c., 282-4 ; cock in, Pod- liassie &c., 279, 282-3; dances, Amazulu, 279-80, 474 (//a/cy), 476; father not at wedding of eldest daughter, Zulus, 478 ; gifts, Bul- garia, 283, Crim Tartars, 283, France, 283-4, Illyria, 283, Great Russia, 282, and South Slavs, 283 ; group marriage, 176-89, 288-307 ; mimetic dances, 279-80 ; mother of bride not at wedding, Zulus, 478 ; pig in, Oberpfalz, 280 ; polyandry, Jatakas, 501 ; raiding hen-roosts &c., 279; sacrifice, Amazulu, 483; spring customs connected with, 279 : taboos obsolete, Zulu, 478 ; wren customs, Wales &c., 280
Maryborough tribes (Aus.): relation- ships, no
Masai: chief and medicine-man, 378
Mashonaland, see Umtali.
Masks : Tibet, 3
Math, the son of Mathonwy, tale of, 311-2
Mathol wch. King, see King Matholwch
Matriarchy, see Mother-right
Maubeuge : ram led and killed as scapegoat, 275
Maui : descends to Hades, 133, 140
May : {see also May Day) ; the May- game, 382, 384
May Day : cattle driven between fires by druids, Ireland, 30, 45 ; Easter customs originally on, 262 ; expul- sion ceremonies, 262 ; feast of Beltane, 30, 64 ; fight annually of Gwynn and Gwythyr, 48 ; Finn's annual leap, Waterford, 434 ; in legends of king Lludd, 49, and sons
of king Lot, 49-50, and other tales, 50 ; Tuatha De Danann reached Ireland, 30 May Eve : in Mabinogion tale, 48 Mayo, see Moy Meadowsweet : maid formed from,
Wales, 31 1 -2 Measuring : to detect elf-shooting,
N.W. Ireland, 203-4 Meath, i'ft? Ardbraccan ; Boyne river ;
Kells ; Tara ; arid Tortu Meave, Queen, see Queen Medb Medals as amulets, Spain &c., 469-70
{plates) Medb, Queen, see Queen Medb Mediaeval Stage, The, by E. K.
Chambers, reviewed, 379-84 Medical folklore : {see also Amulets and talismans ; and Charms and spells) ; diseases and injuries treated: — anthrax, 249 ; of cattle, 208, 322 ; of eyes, 198; epilepsy, 322 ; mad- ness, 331 ; typhoid fever, 249 ; wind ruptures, 322 ; localities : amongst Bantu, 249 ; Cairo, 198 ; Germany, 208 ; Scotland, 331 ; Tibet, 3 ; remedies: mistletoe, 322; white crow, filament from, 198 ; lady's mantle, 208-9 '■> water from St Maree's well, 331 ; payment by results, Bantu, 249 ; seventh son of a seventh son, powers of, Leitrim, 201 Medicine cakes, Tibet, 3 Medicine men, see Wizards Medicine women, Philippines, 122 Medrawt : born on May Day, 50 ;
son of King Lot, 49 Meehan, Rev. J., The Cure of Elf- Shooting in the North-West of Ireland, 130, 200-10 Meetings, 1-5, 129-30, 257, 385-6 Megara : oracular stone, 414 Megaris, see Megara Megrims, see Headache Melanesia : {see also Caroline islands ; and New Caledonia) ; back-footed beings, 138-9; string games, 86-7,
359. 369 Meleager, 348
Melitene : St Polyeuctes, 496 Melquart's Temple, Malta, 7 Members deceased, i, 6, 257, 386 Members elected, i, 2, 6, 129-30, 257,