Two pairs of side strings, continuing as two short-end strings connecting each thumb with its index, and also as two parallel middle strings connecting respectively the ulnar sides of the thumbs and the radial sides of the indices.
This figure is only an extension sideways of the opening figure before the palmar strings are taken up. Its real nature may be seen by raising the end strings slightly. The side strings will then exhibit Xs formed by the crossing of slant strings.
Variation. Grasp the strings of Fig. 2 as before and separate the hands, pressing the palmar aspects of thumbs and indices against the side strings. Extend, detaching the figure from the second player's hands. The resulting figure is the obverse
Fig. 4.
of Fig. 2. That is to say, the short end strings will be under, the side strings upper. These strings will still be distal and proximal as before, because the hands are held down instead of up. Fig. 4.
IV. Manger, or Cradle.
Second Player. Put a little finger from above into the middle space of Fig. 3, take up one of the inner parallel strings and pull it across above the other inner string and the side strings. Pull the other inner string the opposite way with the other little finger. Dip thumbs and indices into the triangles formed by the little finger loops, outside the figure, with the side strings, and take up these strings on (not between) the thumbs and indices. Turn them upward