Mæle: tale of giant, 330; underground passage, 329
Magic: (see also Amulets and talismans; Incantations; Charms and spells; and Witchcraft); defined, 381, 383; among Eskimo, 379; exchange of souls or parts of bodies, China, 519; Hildburgh's Japanese Household Magic reviewed, 383–4; magic preceded by religion, 104; mimetic magic, Philippines, 234; Nyassaland, 245; Thompson's Semitic Magic reviewed, 379–83; "singing" or spell connected with cursing, 104; sympathetic magic, 95–6, 232–3, 482–3; transferring birth-pains, Scandinavia, 320–1
Magpie: in singing, Durham, 73
Mahâbhârata, the, 125
Maidensgrove: bed not turned on Friday, 218; consumption, charm for, 218; folk-tales, 219; indelible blood stains, 219; omens, 219; slow-worm only dies if head crushed, 218; whooping cough, cure for, 218
Maid Marian, 90, 204
Maikel: mankind emerges from cave, 417
Maize: firstfruit rite, Lower Congo, 311; in folk-tale, Lower Congo, 209-10
Major, A. F.: review by, — Coomaraswamy's Voluspa, 366–7
Makonde tribe: exogamy, 245; games, 245; totemism, 245
Makua tribe: exogamy, 245; games, 245; totemism, 245
Makuta: dance, 468
Malaysia: folk-tales, 125
"Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre," 118
Mallow: cure for hurts, Gainford, 72
Malta: (see also Dingli; and Valetta); folk-songs, 371–3; herb of love stolen from churchyard, 373
Maltesische Volkslieder im Urtext mit Deutscher Übersetzung, by B. Ilg and H. Stumme, reviewed, 371–3
Mana, 104
Manchester: archery contest, Easter Monday, 206
Manipur: chronicles of, 135; exhibits, 386; folk-tales, 389–90, 391, 394; 420; in folk-tale, Marrings, 420; head-hunting, 132–43 (plates); snake ancestor, 419
Mantis insect: Cagn, Bushmen, 493
Manyanga: dance, 469
Mao Nágas: full dress of, 134 (plate)
Mapoch tribe : folk-tales, 128
Maram: folk-tale, 141
March: (see also St Benedict's Day); 25th, cock feast, Kodangalur, 483–4
Marimba: dance to, Lower Congo, 468; game played with, Lower Congo, 458–9
Markets and market days, Lower Congo, 41–3, 61, 465
Marlborough: common land, 80–1; fair, 82; Merlin tradition, 79–80
Marriage customs and beliefs: Australia, 150, 166, 169, 173–9, 351–2; cake made by bride, Durham, 74; capture, marriage by, 511, Tyrol, 517; divination, Worcestershire, 343; doorstep heated, Surrey, 222; Fiji, 255; group, Australia, 351; head-hunting, Assam, 140–1; health-drinking, Norway, 318–9, inviting all within certain radius, Norway, 318; money scrambled for; Westmoreland, 223; mug, Baluba, 3; Norway, 318–9; Nyassaland, 245; omens of marriage, see Omens; omens from wedding peals, Worcestershire, 344; songs, Tyrol, 516–7; son's marriage causes father's retirement, Assam, 141; superstition contributes to respect for marriage, 242; wedding cake customs, Gainford, 74
Marrings: folk-tale, 420; hair-dressing, 420
Martinsell: festival, Palm Sunday, 81
Maryland, see Baltimore
Maryport: birthmarks removed by dead hands, 216; death omens, 216
Matadi: competitive giving, 468; nkimba society, 198
Mathews, R. H.: Australian Folk-tales, 485–7; Folklore Notes from Western Australia, 340–2; The Wallaroo and the Willy-Wagtail: A Queensland Folk-tale, 214–6
Matriarchy, see Mother-right
May: (see also May Day); broom unlucky, Worcestershire, 343; kittens, beliefs about, Cornwall, 488, Durham, 75; 14th, fairs, Wilts, 81–2; 29th, Oak-apple Day, Essex, 489
May Day: as Fools' Day, Westmoreland, 223