Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 20, 1909.djvu/610

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Newport (Essex) : Oak-apple Day,

489 Newry : rhyme, 78 New South Wales : {see also Euahlayi ; Jirringan ; Kamilaroi ; Wailwan ; and Wiradjuri) ; Australian Folk- tales, by R. H. Mathews, 485-7 Newt : name of, Worcestershire, 347 ;

poisonous, Worcestershire, 347 New Year's Day : first comer receives "Yule thread," Norway, 317-8; firstfooting, Durham, 73, Stafford- shire, 222 ; first person met rules for year, Worcestershire, 345 ; New Year's Day in Scotland, 1909, by D. Rorie, 481-2 New Year's Eve : charm for luck, Cornwall, 488 ; evergreens burnt, Devon, 488-9 ; fire burns all night, Worcestershire, 345 Ngangas, see Wizards Ngombe : amulets, 3 Ngongo bean : in love charm, Lower

Congo, 41 Ngoyo, see Kabinda Ngungu : market, 41 Nigeria, see Hausa Night, see Midnight Nightmare, omens from, India, 337 Nine : in charms, Durham, 77-8,

Worcestershire, 346 Ningthaja clan, 419 Nipping : for new clothes, Durham,

78 Nippur, legend from, 125 Nixies, 328 Njambi, name of Deity, Upper

Congo, 57 Nkandi bean : divination by, Lower

Congo, 188 Nkasa ordeal. Lower Congo, 51-3,

187 A'-^«ja-tree : omens from. Lower Congo, 62 ; has a spirit. Lower Congo, 62 Nkimba Society, Lower Congo, 189-

90, 198-201 Nltimbu fish : tabu on, Lower Congo,

308 Norbury : saying, 220 North America, see Alaska ; Baffins- land ; Canada ; Eskimo ; Green- land; Labrador ; a«^ Smith Sound. North Berwick : mumming. New

Year's Day, 482 Northenden : Pancake Day custom, 206

Northumberland : {see also Hum-

shaugh) ; folk-song, 87-8 North-west Provinces (India), see

Dera Dun Norway : {see also Aaker ; Arodal ;

Birkestol ; Donheim ; Driva, valley

of ; Faleioen ; Grasdal ; Grodal ;

Heone ; Hohammer ; Hoi ; Hov ;

Julevoldene ; Lilledal ; Lillefale ;

Loken ; Maele ; Musgjerd ; Opdal ;

Orkedalen ; Oxendal ; Roimen ;

Sanden ; Snova ; Sundal ; Tanger ;

Telemarken ; Tofte ; Troedal ;

Trondhjem ; Ulvundeidet ; and

Vollan) ; Old-Time Survivals in

Remote Norwegian Dales, by Miss

M. Crookshank, 313-36 {plate) Nose: oi kiildre-ioWi, Norway, 327 Notes on Some Customs of the Lower

Congo People, by Rev. J. H.

Weeks, 2, 7, 32-63, 181-201 {plates),

304-11,457-80 Noton, J.: Augury and Leechcraft in

Algeria, 208-9 November : ist, begins mince pie

season, Cambridge, 79 ; 5th,

parkin for, Lancashire, 204 Nsafn-\.xtt : fruit not eaten if struck

by lightning, Lower Congo, 475 A^sakusaka : in love charm. Lower

Congo, 41 Nsangalavwa : in fetish ceremony, Lower Congo, 465 ; in peace cere- mony. Lower Congo, 37 Nsundi : dance, 468 Ntoyo (blue plantain-eater) : omen

from. Lower Congo, 474 Ntumbi : folk-tale, 454-5 Numbers in folklore, see under various

numbers, suck as Thirteen Nung saba, deity, Assam, 135 Nursery rhymes : Durham, 76-8 ; Ire- land, 78'; Yorkshire, 78-9 Nushirawan, King, see King Nushlr-

awan Nutcrack Night, Oct. 31, Durham,


Nuts, see Kola nut ; Palm nut ; and Pea nut

Nutt, A. : reviews by, — Mair's Hestod, 105-6 ; Kuno Meyer's The Instruc- tions of King Corniac Mac Airt, 363-6; Evans' The Textof the Black Book of Carmarthen, 1 10-4

Nyambe, name of Deity, UpperCongo,

57 Nyangwe : chief's staff, 3