Staghorn beetle : as Easter-egg pattern, Roumanians, 301 {plate), 303 {plate)
Stanley Pool : secret language, 199
Stars : {see aho Great Bear ; Meteors ; Milky Way; Orion; awrf Pleiades); counted in divination, Yorkshire, 348 ; origin of, Eskimo, 377
Steel, see Iron and steel
Stile : unlucky for tivo to cross, Wor- cestershire, 345
Still, J. H. P. : Scraps of English Folklore, 489
Stockings : in charm against toothache, Worcestershire, 346
Stokes, Dr Whitley : obituary, by Miss Eleanor Hull, 356-60
Stomach : in fable, China, 519
Stones : erected for good fortune, Assam, 135 ; giant's mallet, pellet, and whetstone, Assam, 396 ; head- hunting associated with, Assam, 135 ; heads exposed on, Assam, 135 ; hiring at, Durham, 75 ; in- fluence food supply, Assam, 135 ; men born from, Greeks, 423 ; in myths, Andamans, 264-5 > sacred stone enclosure, Fiji, 155 ; trans- formed human beings, W. Aus., 341 ; warstone, Assam, 134
Stork : as Easter-egg patterns, Rou- manians, 302 {plate) ; in folk-tales.
Storms : associated with mythical beings, Andamans, 261, 266, 268, Lower Congo, 477, Yorkshire, 348
Strains, charm against, Norway, 321
"Straw-bear Tuesday," by G. C. Moore Smith, 202-3 {plates)
Strawberry plant : blossoms as Easter- egg patterns, Roumanians, 301 ; leaves as Easter-egg patterns, Roumanians, 301 {plate), 303 {plate)
Strength-belt containing hearts, Nor- way, 335
String games : Lower Congo, 462
Stumbling : as omen. Lower Congo,
35> 474 Subiya : folk-tale, 456 Subscribers elected, i, 6, 129, 131,
386 Sugnall : firstfooting, 222 Suicide : burial customs, 88-9 Suk language, 246 Sulphur : as amulet, Scotland, 232 Summerhill : firstfooting, 222
Sun : causes eclipse of moon. Lower Congo, 58 ; course of. Lower Congo, 59 ; in folk-tales, Assam, 391, 394-5, 417 ; eclipses, see Eclipses; origin of, Andamans, 264, Eskimo, 377-8 ; a person, Andamans, 266 ; place of departed spirits. Lower Congo, 54, 59-60 ; as totem, Nandi, 247
Sundal : old-time customs, 313-36 {plate)
Sunday : {see also Easter Sunday ; Mothering Sunday ; aW Palm Sun- day) ; 1st in Oct., wakes, Northen- den, 207 ; moon and weather, Worcestershire, 344 ; work unlucky on, Norway, 327
Sundials : in King Henry VI, 68 ; Pyrenees, 6(^{ plate) ; South Downs, 67-8 {plate) ; Sweden, 69 ; Tyrol, 69-70 {plate)
Sunset: burial at, Lower Congo, 60-1 ; time of sacrifice, Lower Congo, 480
Superstitions and Survivals amongst Shepherds, by E. Lovett, i, 7, 64- 70 {plates)
Surnames, see Names
Surrey, see Hascombe ; and Honor Oak
Sussex, see Arundel ; Burpham ; and South Downs
Sutherlandshire, see Dornoch
Swahili : The Bantu Element in Swahili Folklore, by Miss A. Wer- ner, 385, 432-56
Swallow : in folk-tales, 515
Swazi : folk-tales, 128
Sweden : {see also Wiirend) ; mattress burnt after death, 320 ; pain can be transferred, 321 ; sundial, 69
Sweeping : luckout of house, Stafford- shire, 220
Switzerland : {see also Aargau) ; mountain dairies, beliefs about, 324
Swords : miraculous, Japan, 252 ; Ngombe, 3
" Sympathetic " Magic, by W. Hanna, 95-6, Miss C. S. Burne, and Mrs E. Wright, 232-3
Szeklers : Easter eggs, 300
Tablecloth : unlucky to leave all night, Yorkshire, 348
Tabus : against animals, Assam, 419 ; at childbirth, Eskimo, 378 ; during circumcision rites. Lower Congo,