Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 22, 1911.djvu/104

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yS Collectmiea.

" Where is Tenthousandfold ? "

The priest points towards a road, and says, — " You take this road and go along. You will reach a large man seated on a golden throne. That is Tenthousandfold, You will say, — "The priest sent me to you. I have given one ; you are to give a thousand." '^

The man sets out on that long road. He goes till he comes to a cave. He enters, and what does he see but forty lusty robbers lined up in there ! They treat him with respect ; they give him a seat, and sit down with him in their midst. Then they ask him, — "Who are you? No one has come here for a long time. Where are you coming from, and where are you going ? "

The man replies, — " I am going to Tenthousandfold. I have given one ; I am going to receive a thousand."

The robbers say, — " Brother, there is no sense in that ; don't you believe it. Come, we'll give you a handful of gold from here. Take it and return to your home."

"No," says the man. " That money is unblest."

Then the robbers say, — " Since you are such a righteous man, go and ask Tenthousandfold whether there is room for us in the other world."

" Upon my head," replies the man. He goes on his way.

He goes till he meets an old man seated beside a rock. He says "Ho!"

" Praise the Lord ! Praise the Lord ! " [the old man is saying]. As fast as he says the words gold gushes out of the rock.

The old man asks the traveller, — " Brother, where are you going ? "

He replies, — " I am going to Tenthousandfold. I have given one ; I am going to receive a thousand."

The old man says, " Come, I will give you a double handful ; take it and return."

" No," says the man. " That is not what I gave nor what I have earned ; I have no right to it."

" If that is so, go ask Tenthousandfold when the gold is going to cease to gush from this rock."

" Upon my eyes," says the man, and goes on his way.

He goes along till he sees a gardener by the roadside, who asks, — " Mortal, where are you going ? "