Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 22, 1911.djvu/575

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Switzerland, ii6; Christmas Bull, Wilts, 302 ; hoodening, Kent, 302 ; ^iae cantiones, Sweden etc., 251 ; plough cus- tom, Wales, 513 ; processions, Clare, 206 ; Sweden, 252

Chukchi : marriage customs, 366

Church : church wakes, England, 34-6 ; dedications, 35, 38-40 ; not facing due east, Hants, 307

Church bell, see Bell

Churchyard : bone piles, Clare, 56 ; family graveyards, China, 265 ; ghost follows bone removed, Clare, 56 ; graves not in north- east, Hants, 320 ; supernatural dog, Clare, 449

Churiqui : amulets, 130

Churning customs and beliefs : Clare, 203, 339-41 ; Morocco, 149-52, 154; "taking" butter and milk, Clare, 58, 203, 339-41, France, 245

Circumcision : A-Kamba, 254 ; Bushongo, 42, 387 ; Madagascar, 97-8

Clans, fission of, 369-73 ; Greece, 285-6 ; totemicj 83, 96, 406-9, 527-8, 523

Clare : (see also under place- names) ; A Folklore Survey of County Clare, by T. J. Westropp, 49-60 {plates), 203-13 (plates), 332-41, 449-56

Clare Castle : St Brigit rites, 207 ; well, 210

Clare island : folk-tale, 455

Classificatory relationship, 92, 98

Clergy : in dreams unlucky, Clare, 204

Clog-an-oir, The, 337

Clondegad : well, 211

Clonlara : animals in people's in- sides, 454 ; milk charms, 340 ; spectral horse, 449; wells, 210, 212

Clonlea i stations, 335

Clooney : graveyard dog, 449 ; Irish elk, 451 ; rounds, 335 ; spectral horse, 449 ; stations, 335 ; wells, 210-1

Clorane : wild cats, 451

Coal : as amulet, Devon, 3, Kent, 3, London, 3

Coast Murring tribe : Daramulun, 421

Cock, see Fowls

Cockatoo : names of phratries,

Aus. , 406-8 Cockatrice : Hants, 306 Cockroach : in people's insides,

London, 454 Coco-nut : in folk-tales, Papuans,

126 ; omen from, India, 230 Coin : devil as, Silesia, 248 ; in

divination, Clare, 205 Collectanea, 48-80, 203-31, 330-61,

449-84 Colmore : isolation, 294 Cologne : museum, 507 Colours in folklore, see under

names Comb : in proverb, Manipur, 475 Combat, mock : at Great Feast,

Morocco, 140 Commons : well, 210 Compass, points of, see East Coney island : well, 210 Confucianism, 264 Congo Beige : (see also San Salva- dor ; and under tribal names) ;

Weeks' Congo Life and Folklore

reviewed, 517-9; totemism, 364 Connach worm : in folk-tale,

Clare, 455 Connaught : (see also Galway ;

Mayo ; Sligo) ; rheumatism cure,

27 Consumption : cure for, Germany,

27 Coombe : haunted house, 316-7 Cooraclare : well, 211 Corbally, 208 Corcomroe : rounds, 335 ; stations,

335 ; well cures, 211 Cork county : resentful well, 212 Corlack Glebe : well cures, 211 Cormorant : in folk-tale, Clare,


Corn : in cure, Glos., 238 ; at sacri- fice, Morocco, 142

Corn beer : tabu, Yoruba, 262

Corn spirits, vegetation souls, and the like : exhibits, Gt. Britain, i ; Frazer's The Golden Bough re- viewed, 497-506 ; masquerade, N.W. Africa, 177-8

Cornwall : amulet, 3 ; bough etc. customs, 299; "neck," i

Corofin : crozier, 337 ; headache charm, 57 ; " taking butter," 341 ; well, 211

Corrakyle : well, 210

Correen : well, 210