Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 22, 1911.djvu/582

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Florence : Ascension Day custom,


Flour : in divination, Clare, 205 ; at sacrifice, Morocco, 142

Flowers in folklore : {see also Gar- land Day ; Lotus) ; omen from, India, 230 ; wild, Franche- Comt^, 245 ; wishing at first sight, Clare, 54

Flute: in folk-tales, 189-91, 194, 196-7

Fly : in folk-tale, Hausas, 346

Flying fish : in folk-tale, Papuans, 126

Flying fox : in folk-tale, Papuans, 125-6

Folk-drama : British Isles, 4, 6 ; China and Japan, 264 ; develop- ment of, 107, 264 ; Morocco, 160- 81 ; Switzerland, 115

Folklore : its essential unity, 14- 40 ; methodology, 497-502

Folklore of West and Mid-Wales, by J. Ceredig Davies, reviewed,

5 "-3

Folk-Lore Society's Place of Meet- ing, by F. A. Milne, 362

Folk-Lore Society in Canada, 399

Folklore Survey of County Clare, A, by T. J. Westropp, 49-60 (plates), 203-13 (plates), 332-41, 449-56

Folk-medicine, see Medical folk- lore

Folk-music: Bohemia, 516; Po- land, 384; rough music, Glos. , 237 ; Sweden, 252 ; Switzerland, 116-7 ; Veddas, 523

Folk-sayings, see Proverbs

Folk-songs : Albania, 249 ; Bo- hemia, 516 ; Denmark, 31-2, 38 ; England, 16-9, 26, 28-9, 33, 237. 297, 299-301, 323, 326-7; European ballad, history of, 29- 34 ; Faroe islands, 32, 37-8 ; Fin- land, 251-2 ; France, 30, 32-3, 508 ; Galicia, 384 ; Germany, 30, 32, 112-3; India, 523; Ireland, 207; Moravia, 515 ; Morocco, 135-6 ; Poland, 384-5 ; Scandinavia, 31-2, 38 ; Scotland, 32-3 ; Switzerland, 1 1 6-7 ; traditional ballad, use and area of, 30 ; Tuscany, 30 ; Wales,

513 Folk-tales : (see also Beast fables ; and under various types, such as Forbidden Chamber) ; Africa, 41-

7i 60-73, 121-2, 218-28, 256-61, 272, 341-8, 391-7, 457-73. 517-9; Amerindians, 128, 246, 272, 398- g, 520; Armenia, 77-80, 191, 351-61, 476-84; Bohemia, 515-6; Ceylon, 123-5, ^97 > China, 265 ; Decameron, 377-8 ; England, 48- 9, 304-5, 328, 400 ; Finland, 242, 246 ; van Gennep's La Formation des higendes reviewed, 105-8 ; France, 109-10, 186-8, 514 ; Georgia, 243 ; Germany, 246-8 ; Greece, 185, 242, 249-50, 284 ; Holland, 188 ; India, 123-5, 193-7) 242, 521-2, 530; Ireland, 11, 185- 6. 334. 452-3. 455-6 ; Mongol, 243 ; Mongolo-Iranian, 191-2 ; Morocco, 189-go, 375-7 ; Papuans, 125-6 ; Perrault's tales not " popu- laires," 508 ; Persia, 193 ; Rus- sia, 242-3 ; Scandinavia, 271 ; Scotland, 330-1 ; Slavonians, 383 ; Surinam, 111; Switzerland, 271; Turkoman, 192 ; Wales, 186, 455, 512 ; Aarne's Die Zaubergaben reviewed, 242-4

Foot : misshapen, in folk-tale, 193-4

Forbidden-Chamber type of folk- tales, 61

Fordingbridge : apparitions, 318; no burials in N.-E. of church- yard, 320

Forefinger, see Fingers

Forest of Dean : marriage custom,

237 Forester: song, Hesse, 113 Forests, see Trees in folklore Formation des Legendes, La, by

A. van Gennep, reviewed, 105-8 Fortanne : stations, 335 ; wells, 211, 213, 456; whooping-cough charm, 57 ; wishing seat, 54 Fortunatus type of folk-tales, 243 Fortune-telling, see Divination Fossils in folklore, 274 Foundation sacrifices : beaver in

relation to, 235 ; Ireland, 54-5 Fountains, see Wells Four : days of week, Yoruba, 262 Fowls : black cock sacrificed, Clare, 51 ; blood of hen protec- tive, Clare, 58 ; cock beheaded, Bohemia, 516 ; cock's egg, Clare, 452 ; cock in myth, Bushongo, 44 ; cock sacrificed, Bretagne, 514, India, 231 ; dead hen un- lucky, Clare, 203 ; dead, thrown