Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 23, 1912.djvu/136

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In all Scandinavian countries, therefore, we have obtained, or expect soon to obtain, centres where records are received and arranged, and owing to such centres it has been easy to gather sections of "FF." We have also arranged with the Confederation of all German Folklore Societies that all its members can obtain the FF Communications and other publications at the same price as "FF" members, and this year its President is going to propose a complete affiliation with "FF." Centres for "FF" have also been formed among many Slavonic nations.

I would appeal, therefore, to the English Society, which has been of such great importance in folklore studies, to take in this matter of international collaboration the active part which is due to its past and present position.

Lantern Slides; Exhibits at Society's Meetings.

The Exhibits and Museum Committee beg to draw the attention of members to the fact that the Society is in possession of a series of lantern slides, (mainly illustrative of British folklore), which are available for lectures and similar occasions, as it is the desire of the Council to encourage this mode of furthering the objects of the Society. The Committee will be pleased to forward a list of the slides, together with the conditions under which they are issued, to any member communicating with it, c/o the Secretary, 11 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.

The Committee will be very grateful for the gift from members or their friends of any slides of folklore subjects which they may feel disposed to add to the Society's collection, or to have notice of any slides which members would be prepared to lend to the Society for exhibition at its meetings.

It would also remind members that locked exhibit cases are in use for the display of objects at the Society's meetings, and that it will be glad to take the responsible charge of suitable objects which any member is willing to lend for exhibition.

The Exhibits and Museum Committee.