Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 24, 1913.djvu/158

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1 4 2 Revieivs.

earth beneath our feet, — more than one way leads to the great secret." And in contemplating the assimilation of the various rival religions to each other, one realises the importance of its uncompromising attitude towards its internal organisation. Heresy was a real danger.

I have done little more than mention a few of the papers in this book which are likely to be of particular interest to students of folklore. It is no unworthy memorial of a scholar of generous imagination and great learning. Richard Wii'nsch is to be con- gratulated on his labour of love, and the thanks of the reader are due to Otto Weinreich for the unobtrusive work entailed by the compilation of an adequate index. The book is printed in a manner worthy of the great house of Teubner, and it is the more unfortunate that the sewing should be of a character which renders a visit to the bookbinder the inevitable corollary to cutting its pages.

W. R. Hallidav.

Natursagen. Eine Sammlung Naturdeutender Sagen Marchen Fabeln und Legenden. Herausgegeben von Oskar Dahn- hardt. Band IV. Tiersagen, Zweiter Teil. Bearbeitet von O. Dahnhardt und A. Von Lowis of Menar. Leipzig : B. G. Teubner, 191 2. Large 8vo, pp. ix + 322. 8 m.

A great deal of hard work and good learning have gone to the making of this further instalment of AJaiursagen. A mass of material has been collected and reduced to something like order, and the gratitude of students is due* to the authors for an admirable book of reference for the animal stories with which it deals. To call it a book of reference is not to slight their ability nor the interest of their work. So little scientific work has been done as yet in their particular field that the primary necessity is spade work, and any honest book on the subject can at present claim no more than to provide Prolegomena. The material has first to be rendered manageable before lasting conclusions can be drawn.

This is illustrated in the book itself In Europe, where more preliminary surveying has been done, our authors walk with firmer