Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 24, 1913.djvu/596

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ings, Breconsh., 511, Piedmont, 93 ; S. Amer., 43-4, 47-8 ; 3 years' service for bride, Mani- pur, 422 ; unlucky events. Oxon, 90 ; widows remarrj^ Manipur, 416

Martel, Charles, 260

Martin : not killed, Oxon, 89

Masai : 280 ; grass sacred, 467-8

Mascots, see Amulets

Masks : Manipur, 418 {plate), 427

Mathry : hiring fair, 107

May : {see also May Day ; Shick- Shack Day) ; hiring fairs, Wales, 106-7 ' perilous Monday in, 122 ; in sayings, Breconsh., 511, Piedmont, 216; unlucky to marry in, Oxon, 90

May Day : bushes over doors, Breconsh., 512-3 ; games, Bre- consh., 513 ; garlands, Cambs.,

235 Mayo : {see also Achill island) ; place-names, 99, 100 ; tales, 492 Mayors, mock : Monmouthsh.,

109 Mazes, 34

Medals, see Coins and medals Medical folklore : {see also Amu- lets and talismans ; Charms and spells) ;

diseases and injuries treated : — rheumatism, 60 ; rickets, 207 ; sore eyes, 207 ; teeth- ing, 120 ; whooping cough, 224 ; localities : — Clare, 207 ; Lon- don, 120-1 ; Madagascar, 129; Ontario, 224 ; S. Amer., 60 ; remedies : — bread, 224 ; Eu- charistic elements, 129 ; man- drake, 121 ; orris root, 120 ; water from holy well, 207, and tree, 109 Medicine-men, see Wizards Meeting : funeral unlucky, Oxon, 90 ; on stairs unluckj', Oxon, 90 Meetings, 1-6, 7-9, 153-4, 281-2 Megahthic structures : Malta, 263 Megrim, see Headache Meitheis : as animists, 418, 518-23; one caste, 420 ; chronicles, 518-9 ; clans among, 419-20 Melanesia : {see also Aneri ; Banks' is. ; Bismarck Arch. ; Solomon

is. ; Tanga) ; death customs and

beliefs, 387-92 Melksham : tale, 524 Melling : tree belief, 31 Melusine, romance of, 187-200, 282 Members dead, 1-2, 154, 282 Members elected, i, 3-4, 7, 153-4,

281-2 Members resigned, i, 3, 7, 281 Members, List of, i-xvii Men : {see also Boys ; Husbands) ;

names, S. Amer. Indians, 46-7 ;

in sayings, Oxon, 76-7, Pied- mont, 93-6 Menai Bridge : hiring fair, 107 Mende : rite against barrenness,

129 Mending clothes on back unlucky,

Oxon, 91 Menhirs : Malta, 263 Meningitis : binding church for,

Crete, 357 Men's house : Kiwai Papuans,

289-91, 295-301, 311 Menstruation : amulets for,

Spain, 67 Mera, month of : lights hoisted,

Manipur, 445 Merchant of Venice as folk-tale,


Merioneth : hiring fairs, 107

Mermaid beliefs : Sutherland, 192

Merrj'-thought : omen from, On- tario, 222

Mersey river : in gipsy funeral

. rites, 349

Metals, see Gold ; Iron and steel ; Silver

Metal working : 396 ; Manipur, 420

Method of Investigation and Folk- lore Origins, by W. Crooke, 14-40

Mexico, see Tarascoes

Michaelmas Day : in saying, Bre- consh., 511

Middlesex, see London

Milk : lactation amulets, Spain, 66-7"

Millstone : as symbol, Baluchi- stan, 228

Miltown : Armada, 491

Mince pies : in nurser\- rhyme, Oxon, 78

Minoan culture, 26

Minutes of meetings, 1-6, 153-4, 281-3