Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 25, 1914.djvu/114

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Razsypala dzieucyminka Ctyry liarcy soli. Zaplakata dzieucynunka Pa swajoj nidoli. Zaplakala dzieucynunka Pa swajoj nidoli.

" Ach, Boze nioj ! ach Boze moj !

Boze milusienki !

A chtoz Inidzie hadawaci

Majo malusienko?

A chtoz budzie hadawaci,

Majo malusienko?"

The maid cast forlh Four measures of salt.^* The maiden cried At her misfortune. The maiden cried At her misfortune.

"Alas! Alas! Alack -a day ! Who will now care For my little one? Who will now care For my little one?"

No. 2. Zahunieu diibocek (The oak-tree rustled). j=6o

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Za-su-mieu du

Zie-lo-nv li

sto - cek,



ho Praz ce-ly dzie - nio-^ek.

Zasumieu duhocek, Zielony listocek, " Nie widziela milenkaho, Praz cety dzieniocek. Nie widziela milenkaho, Praz cefy dzienio($ek.

Ucora byl^ paniedzielok, A dzisiaj Utorak, Ja dalmala moj milenki, Sto niadzielak sorok. Ja dalmata moj milenki, Sto niadzielak sorok."

" Pa sado($ku chadzu, Winohradu sadzu. Pastoj, pastoj, maja mila, Sto ja table skazu.

The oak-tree rustled.

The green leaves rustled.

" I have nof seen my loved one

The whole day long.

I have not seen my loved one

The whole day long.

Yesterday was Sunday, And to-day is Monday, Vet it seemed, my loved one, As it were forty Sundays. Vet it seemed, my loved one, As it were forty Sundays."

" I am walking in the garden, I am planting a vine. Wait, O wait, my loved one. Hear what I shall tell thee.

^^This is evidently a charm in the nature of a libation. Enquiry, however, among the peasants elicited no explanation of the ceremony, nor could any allied custom or superstition be discovered.