Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 25, 1914.djvu/278

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250 Collect a nca.

all these and make a tost and steepe it in ale and then strow of ye powder upon it and give it to the sick to eate evening and morning and let him fast the space of 2 houres or more and con- tinue this a whole week and he shal be whole God Willing.

To kill a wen. Ye juice of sow thistle.

A receipt against ye stone and gravel. Take a handful! of Pillitory of ye wall, boyle it in three pints of conduit water about half an hour, afterwards strain it, then put about an ounce of refined sugar and as much of fresh butter and let it be solved all together and then put it into a glass and be sure to do this com- posure ye 2nd and ye 3rd of the moon and drink one half ye second and ye third day of the moon and let this be done, at the same day you take it warm in ye morning fasting twice, that is ye end and 3rd of ye moon. Probatum est.

Po" le jaunise. Mettez un fer a Chevall ou aucune piece de fer rouille a chaufer au feu jusques a ce quil soit to' rouge et puis aprez quand il sera rouge tirez le du feu et lestaingnez dans une coupe de biere ou ale, et puis apres le boire et indubitablem' cela vo^ quarira, et continuez a faire raesme chose jusq* a ce que vo^ vo* trouviez mieux. Medecine esprounce.

A very good receipt for the cold. Take green broom and dry it over ye fire till it be dry and hot, then stand upon it till it be cold, and then heat it again till it hath been heated, thrice times in that manner stand upon it with your bare feet or with your stockings on, and so soon as it is heated you must stand upon it till it be cold, so it must be done three times before you leave it.

For canker in the mouth. Take vvoodbine, bramble, sage, rose- mary, periwinkle, daisy root, herb grace, vervain of each a handfuU put them in a quart of wine vinegar boile it to a 4th part, then put to it rock alum the quantity of a wall nut, beaten small, and a handful! of honey, then take it off ye fire and set it upon a pan of coals that it may boil, let the patient hold his mouth upon it over half an hour so near as he may well endure and longer if he can, let his head be covered with a sheet that the steam of ye liquor go not forth while he is dressing, that that which runneth out of his mouth may run into the medicine. When he hath done, let that run out of his mouth be skimmed off, dress it morn and even till he be well. When it is boiled away put in a little more vinegar.