INDEX TO VOL. XXV. (1914).
Abbot's Bromley : song, 290
Ablx)ts Langlcy : omen, 372-3
Aberdeen : rhyme, 355
Aberdeenshire : (see also Aber- deen ; Aberdour ; Auchentumb ; Birse ; Buchan ; Coull ; Cruden ; Cushnie ; Footdee ; Fyvie ; New- hills ; Peterculter ; Pitfodels ; Rothie-norman; Strathdon; Tar- land) ; managing horses, 364 ; proverbs, 350 ; tale, 353-4
Aberdour (New) : saying, 352
Abhacs, see Dwarfs
Abruzzi : exhibits from, 2, 6
Abuse, ceremonial : India, G4, 68,77
Abyssinia : demon possession, 321-2 ; origin of zdr, 300-1 ; spirit beliefs, 321
Acacia-tree : flower in invoking devils, Pemba, 395
Aches : cure for, Jersey, 249
Acorn-shell : grows into limpet, Ireland, 259
Adio : dead appear in dreams,
314 Aegion : tale, 123 Africa : [see also Abyssinia ;
Benin ; Congo Beige ; Egypt ;
Hausas ; Ivory Coast ; Lagos ;
Mashonaland ; Mweru ; Nandi ;
Nigeria ; Nyassaland ; .Senegal ;
Sudan ; Togoland ; Uganda ;
Unyoro ; Zanzibar) ; cast, —
Some Notes on East African
Folklore, by A. Werner, 146,
457-75 ; 5i«^«. 499-500
Agate: amulets, Spain, 212 [pi.)
Ages of Man, The : Boll's Die Lebensaltsr reviewed, 400-2
Agni not connected with Holi, India, 63
Agricultural folklore : [see also Com spirits, vegetation souls, and the like ; Harvest ; Plough- ing ; Sowing ; Weather) ; hook- swinging as fertihty rite, India,
^5i. 170, 175, 179, 188; Siberia,
Ainu : 43-4 ; Pilsudski's Materials for the Study of the Ainu Language and Folklore noticed, 280 ; myths, 52
Ajmer : {see also Beawar) ; pro- cession, Holi, 72
Akamba : 460 ; ancestor beUefs, 313 ; language, 462
Alder-tree : in song, White Ruth- enians, 221-3 : spirits appear as. White Ruthenians, 94
Ale : in folk-medicine, Jersey, 249-50
Aleuts, 44
All Saints' Day : dues paid, 295 ; procession of dead, Switz., 273
All Souls' Eve, see All Saints' Day
Aloe-tree : in invoking devils, Pemba, 395
Altaians : religion, 48, 52
Altai mountains, 39-40
Alum : in folk-medicine, Jersey, 250
Ambrose : in folk-medicine, Jersey, 249
America, see North America ; West Indies
Amulets and talismans, 2, 6, 63, 94, 144, 206-12 {pi.), 248, 254, 256, 278, 312, 327, 329-30, 338, 341. 363. 367. 381-2, 384-5, 395
Amur : region of, 35-6
Ancestors : cause disease and fertihty, Africa, 312-4 ; pos- session by spirits of, Africa, 31 1-3 ; reincarnated, Austra- lia, 506 ; sacrificed to, Akamba, 313, Dinkas, 310-1 ; spirits of, Abyssinia, 321, Dinkas, 309-11
Anchor in St. Clement legend,
293 Angami Nagas : tales, 476-98 Angelica ; grows from iris, Ire- land, 258 Angoni, 458
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