Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/115

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Catalogue of Bra]id Material.



Girls " cucked " or tossed if they refused to be kissed -

Boys steal girls' shoes, Easter Sunday afternoon till Monday noon. Girls then steal boys' caps till Tuesday noon - - -

" Hefting " or lifting (girls seized boys' caps, Monday. Boys lifted girls by the elbows till shoes fell off, Tuesday) ...

" Leggin' Day." (Boys and girls privileged to trip one another up) - - -

(c) Games.

Hand-ball - - - -

Easter called " Ball-time." If ball not " well played," lads will fall sick in har- ve .t. (See Shrovetide) Football, fives, cricket, etc., played after morning ser- vice . _ - - " Luking " (playing trap-ball or " knu r and spell ') bigins - - - - Football on the Roodee ex- changed for races, t. Henry VIII. "The Ring" (probably Kiss- in-the-Ring) ,, Played with a stick instead o a handkerchief -

Kissing-ring (said to be

Barley-break, but query) -

Cockiighting . - -

ibid. (Bradwell).

Northumb. (Alnwick), Durham, North Yorks. (Whitby, Redcar, Filey, Ripon), Lanes. (Pres- ton).

Carlton in Cleveland.

East Riding.

Northumb. (Alnwick,

Morpeth, Newcastle).

Yorks. (North Riding).

Yorks. (Richmond).

West Riding, Helmsley.

Chester. Lanes.

Lanes. (Padiham in Whalley).

Hull. Alnwick.