Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/31

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Minutes of Meetings.

Brabrook, C.B.; Miss Charlotte S. Burne; Edward Clodd, W. Crooke, B.A. ; Sir J. G. Frazer, D.C.L., L.L.D.; M. Gaster, Ph.D.; Sir Laurence Gomme, F.S.A.; A. C. Haddon, D.Sc.,F.R.S.; E. S. Hartland, F.S.A. ; W. H. D. Rouse, Litt.D.; The Rev. Professor A. H. Sayce, LL.D., D.D.; Professor Sir E. B. Tylor, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., and A. R. Wright, F.S.A.

As Members of Council—Mrs. M. M. Banks; M. Longworth Dames; Lady Gomme; P. J. Heather; W. L. Hildburgh, M.A., Ph.D.; T. C. Hodson; Miss Eleanor Hull; E. Lovett; A. F. Major; W. H. R. Rivers, M.D., F.R.S.; H. V. Routh; C. G. Seligman, M.D.; C.J. Tabor; E. Torday; His Honour J. S. Udal, F.S.A.; E. Westermarck, Ph.D.; H. B. Wheatley, F.S.A., D.C.L., and Sir B. C. A. Windle, F.R.S.

As Hon. Treasurer—Edward Clodd.

As Hon. Auditor—C. J. Tabor.

As Editor of "Folk- Lore"—W. Crooke, B.A.

The Chairman delivered his Presidential Address, entitled "Primitive Values," for which a vote of thanks, moved by Dr. Gaster and seconded by Miss Burne, was carried by acclamation.