Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/7

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I.—(March, 1916.)
Minutes of Meetings: December 15th, 1915; January 19th and February 16th, 1916 1
Thirty-Eighth Annual Report of the Council 4
Cash Account for 1915 8
Report of the Brand Committee to the Council of the Society 10
Presidential Address: Primitive Values. R. R. Marett 12
Mabinogion. Joseph Baudiš 31
Catalogue of Brand Material. C. S. Burne 69
II.—(June, 1916.)
Minutes of Meetings: March 15th, April 12th, and May 17th, 1916 113
Folk-Lore of the Banyanja. Madeleine Holland 116
Masks and the Origin of the Greek Drama. Dr. F. B. Jevons 171
Catalogue of Brand Material. C. S. Burne 193
III.—(September, 1916.)
Minutes of Meeting: June 21st, 1916 237
Examples of Folk Memory from Staffordshire. Sambrooke A. H. Burne 239