Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 28, 1917.djvu/25

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1903. Leland Stanford Junior University Library, Stanford University,

Cal., U S.A., per G. E. Stechert & Co., 2 Star Yard, Carey St.,

W.C. 1885. Library of the Supreme Council of the 33°, etc., 10 Duke Street,

St. James', S.W., per J. C. F. Tower, Esq., Secretary. 1899. Liverpool Free Public Library, per Peter Cowell, Esq., Cliief

Librarian, William Brown St., Liverpool. 1879. London Library, St. James's Square, S.W.

1904. Los Angeles Public Library, CaUfomia, U.S.A., per E. Steiger & Co.,

New York. 1910. Lund University Library, per Karl af Petersens. Librarian.

1917. M'Gill University Library, Montreal, Quebec, per International

News Co., 5 Bream's Buildings, W.C. 2. 191 3. Malvern Public Library, per The Librarian, Graham Road, Malvern. 1878. Manchester Free Library, King St., Manchester. 1897. Max, J., & Co., 21 Schweidnitzerstrasse, Breslau. 1902. Meadville Theological School Library, Meadville, Pa., U.S.A., per

G. E. Stechert & Co., 2 Star Yard, Carey St., W.C.

1904. Mercantile Library of St. Louis, U.S.A., per G. E. Stechert & Co.,

2 Star Yard, Carey St., W.C.

1893. Meyrick Library, Jesus College, Oxford, per E. E. Genner, Esq.,

Librarian. 1902. Michigan State Library, Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A., per G. E.

Stechert & Co., 2 Star Yard, Carey St., W.C. 1907. Michigan University Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. 1S81. Middlesborough Free Library, per Baker Hudson, Esq.

1905. Minneapolis Athenaeum Library, per G. E. Stechert & Co., 2 Star

Yard, Carey St., W.C.

1894. Minnesota, University of, Minneapolis, U.S.A., per G. E. Stechert

& Co., 2 Star Yard, Carey St., W\C. 1878. Mitchell Library, North St., Glasgow, c/o F. T. Barrett. Esq.,

Librarian (per J. D. Borthwick, Esq., City Chamberlain). 1880. Munich Royal Library, per Asher & Co., 14 Bedford St., W.C. 1909. Museo di Etnographia Itahana, Pallazo Delle Scuola, Piazzi D'Armi.

Rome, Italy, per Dr. Giovanni Ferri, 54 Via Crescenzio, Rome.

1904. Nancy, Universite de, Nancy, France, per M. Paul Perdrizet. 1804. National Library of Ireland, per Hodges, Figgis & Co., 104 Grafton

St., Dublin. 1908. Nebraska University Library. Lincoln, Nebraska, U.S.A., per

Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 1898. Newark Free Public Library, New Jersey, U.S.A., per G. E. Stechert

& Co., 2 Star Yard. Carey St., W.C.